I am trying to mock react-native-firebase
's firebase.auth object so that it will return a credential to the code under test so that I can test my method.
I have the following code under test:
public async FacebookSignIn(): Promise<void> { try { const result = await LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(['public_profile', 'email']); if (result.isCancelled) { throw new Error('User cancelled request'); } const data = await AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(); if (!data) { throw new Error('Something went wrong obtaining the users access token'); } const credential = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(data.accessToken); await firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }
I want to ensure that at the end of the function, my CUT calls signInWithCredential so I have a test case like so; func
is a global :jest.fn()
describe('FacebookSignIn', () => { it('should sign in user with facebook credentials', async () => { await service.FacebookSignIn(); expect(func).toHaveBeenCalled(); }) })
However with the following mock I get the error TypeError: Cannot read property 'credential' of undefined
jest.mock('react-native-firebase', () => { return { auth: () => { return { currentUser: null, signOut: func, signInAnonymously: func, signInWithEmailAndPassword: func, signInWithCredential: func, FacebookAuthProvider: jest.fn(() => { return { credential: jest.fn(() => { return { provider: 'dummy', token: '1234', secret: '5678' } }) } }) } } }});
I've looked at the type for firebase.auth
and it can return this:
type AuthModule = { (): RNFirebase.auth.Auth; nativeModuleExists: boolean;} & RNFirebase.auth.AuthStatics
which to me looks like it is mocking the signIn methods correctly, but the AuthStatics methods aren't being mocked. AuthStatics is defined as follows:
interface AuthStatics { EmailAuthProvider: EmailAuthProvider; PhoneAuthProvider: AuthProvider; GoogleAuthProvider: AuthProvider; GithubAuthProvider: AuthProvider; OAuthProvider: AuthProvider; TwitterAuthProvider: AuthProvider; FacebookAuthProvider: AuthProvider; PhoneAuthState: { CODE_SENT: string; AUTO_VERIFY_TIMEOUT: string; AUTO_VERIFIED: string; ERROR: string; }; }
How can I mock the FacebookAuthProvider property and avoid it being undefined for credential?