I have 4 different login method for my app. Each method has a separate component associated to it. I want to rearrange the buttons based on what was the last used login method.
I already have a way to determine my last login.
let lastSignedInMethodif (ticketsState?.mjrLoginType === 'apple') { lastSignedInMethod = strings.tickets.login.apple} else if (ticketsState?.mjrLoginType === 'google') { lastSignedInMethod = strings.tickets.login.google} else if (ticketsState?.mjrLoginType === 'phone') { lastSignedInMethod = strings.tickets.login.yourPhoneNumber} else if(ticketsState?.mjrLoginType === 'username'){ lastSignedInMethod = strings.tickets.login.email}
I have the following 4 components.
<UsernameSignIn cta={hasSignedInAlready && lastSignedInMethod === strings.tickets.login.email} /><PhoneSignIn cta={hasSignedInAlready && lastSignedInMethod === strings.tickets.login.yourPhoneNumber} /><AppleSignIn cta= {hasSignedInAlready && lastSignedInMethod === strings.tickets.login.apple} setParentSigningIn={signingIn => setFreeze(signingIn)} /><GoogleSignIn cta={hasSignedInAlready && lastSignedInMethod === strings.tickets.login.google } setParentSigningIn={signingIn => setFreeze(signingIn)} />
I am render the 4 components with some dividers and some other styling but I want to rearrange them based on the value of lastSignedInMethod
.You can ignore the cta
property, I'm using this to color the button but It can be ignored for this functionality.
I am thinking of adding all the components to an array and then have some property on the component to be able to uniquely identify them using strings.tickets.login.apple
string for the <AppleSignIn/>
component and same for the others and then just sorting the array based on the value of lastSignedInMethod
Is there a better way of doing this, or am I on the right path?