Probably I'm doing it wrong, but what is the type of an "image" in a mobx-state-tree model?
How can I add a property to a MST model in react-native to hold a static image?
const default_img = { img1: require("./images/01.png"), img2: require("./images/02.png")}const userData = [{ id: 1, name: "name1", avatar: default_img.img1},{ id: 2, name: "name2", avatar: default_img.img2},}]export const UserModel = types.model({ id: types.identifierNumber, name: types.string, avatar: types.maybe(types.string) // <-- this the error below})export const RootStoreModel = types.model("RootStore").props({ users: types.array(UserModel)}).actions(self => ({ afterCreate() { self.users = userData }}))
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id:0):Error: [mobx-state-tree] Error while converting `...` to `AnonymousModel[]``at path `...` value is not assignable to type `(string | undefined)` (No type is applicable for the union)