I have a basic bar graph chart that allows panning. The only problem is there is no momentum scrolling. In other words, when you scroll and release your finger, it stops scrolling immediately, which is not natural. How can I enable this?
const getContainerComponent = () => { return (<VictoryZoomContainer allowZoom={false} allowPan={true} zoomDimension="x" zoomDomain={{x: [props.data.length - 7, props.data.length]}} minimumZoom={{x: 1}} clipContainerComponent={<VictoryClipContainer />} /> ) } return ( <VictoryChart theme={theme} minDomain={{ y: 0 }} containerComponent={ getContainerComponent() } domainPadding={{ x : [10, 10] }}><VictoryAxis dependentAxis tickFormat={(t: number) => `${Math.round(t)}`} crossAxis={false} /><VictoryAxis tickLabelComponent={ <VictoryLabel dy={10} />} /><VictoryBar data={arrayOfData} x="timePeriod" y="amount" alignment="middle" barWidth={25} cornerRadius={{ top:12, bottom: 12 }} /></VictoryChart> )