I need to stream a video with the expo-av video component on react native.
The issue I'm having is that it has to download the entire video before it starts playing
Video component
<Video ref={video} source={{uri:viewOptionsVideoURL}} style={{ width:windowWidth, height: "50%"}} resizeMode={ResizeMode.STRETCH} isLooping useNativeControls onPlaybackStatusUpdate={status => setStatus(() => status)} rate={1.0} volume={1.0} isMuted={false} onLoad={(status: AVPlaybackStatus)=>{ console.log(status); }} onError={console.log}/>
Calling Code
// this will set the video url on the above component using the useState hooksetViewOptionsVideoURL("https://storage.googleapis.com/clipdrop-prod/tfNttNC2RLuuxJ_VdWKKcJkm1.amgZR6y_460sv.mp4");// these 2 will load and start playing the video from position 0await (video?.current as any).loadAsync();await (video?.current as any).playFromPositionAsync(0);
Not sure what else to do, as I would like it to start playing as soon as its loaded as the above invocation of the video using loadAsync()