I have a react native project in which I use absolute paths starting withcomponents/ features/ or infrastructure/
I wanted them to be separated from the node modules imports but I want to
import type {xxx} from 'features|components|infrastructure|';
to always go last within a group, or even better to all the import type to always go last in the entire imports section and preferably sorted alphabetically.
So far I came up with such a config
module.exports = { root: true, extends: ['@react-native-community'], plugins: ['import'], rules: {'import/order': ['error', { groups: [ ['builtin', 'external'],'internal','parent', ['sibling', 'index'],'object','type', ], pathGroups: [ { pattern: '@(react|react-native)', group: 'external', position: 'before', }, { pattern: 'components/**', group: 'internal', }, { pattern: 'features/**', group: 'internal', }, { pattern: 'infrastructure/**', group: 'internal', }, ], pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes: ['react'],'newlines-between': 'always', alphabetize: { order: 'asc', caseInsensitive: true, }, }, ], },};
but the problem here is that it does not separate import and import type and it puts imports like so
import React from 'react';import { View } from 'react-native';import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';import RegistrationScreen from 'features/account/screens/Registration';import type { Test } from 'features/account/types';import { colors } from 'infrastructure/theme';