hey all I have working tests and I know it wants me to wrap my render in an act but if I do that I get a warning stating it can't find root. yet if I then instead change it to create i can't use my getbyTestId method.
`it('should not render image', async () => { // Arrange // needs to be used to support async mounting methods like useeffect/componentdidmount jest.useFakeTimers(); const testComment = { text: 'placeholder' } as WorkItemComment; await act(async () => { AsyncStorage.setItem('authMethod', 'msa') }); const placeholderComment: WorkItemComment = testComment; const placeholderImage: string = 'image'; // Act const { queryByTestId } = render(<CommentList workItemComments={[placeholderComment]} profilePicture={[placeholderImage]} />); // Assert await wait(() => { expect(queryByTestId('image')).toBeNull(); }) });`
actual component its rendering and where believe this error is stemming from.
`const fetch = async () => { const authMethod = await AsyncStorage.getItem('authMethod'); setAuthMethod(authMethod!) }; useEffect(() => { fetch(); }, [props.workItemComments]);`