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I need to create a new object every time i click on a switch and delete it whenever i switch off


TLDR: i need to create a new object based on the selection from a switch on/off, if i click on, that specific project item is cloned to this new object, and so on

I've been suffering from a headache trying to figure it out this, i got an object with projects/clients, something like this.

items = [ {  client: 'Microsoft',  idClient: 0,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'React Native App' }, {  client: 'Amazon',  idClient: 1,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'ServerSide OPS' }, {  client: 'Microsoft',  idClient: 0,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'AI Enhancer' }, {  client: 'Google',  idClient: 4,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'Whatever Come Up With' }, {  client: 'KFC',  idClient: 3,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'QR Reader' },     ]

This is just an example of my object, it has over 20 clients and some of these can have around 3 or 4 projects each, the whole object has around 60 to 70 items.

I got two screens, one which is the main, renders a calendar strip with custom views for each day, ok, here goes the interesting part, this is where my question goes from

The second screen is a dropdown menu where i select a client and list me all the projects based on that selected client, the huge problem is, since i'm unable to manipulate this object, first, i need a switch for each project, in order to select the ones i need to show on the first screen, and second, that new object needs to contain (aside from the item in the object), more stuff, like this {project: 'React Native App', hoursRemaining: 10, etc...}

here is the full code of the dropdown list screen

import * as React from 'react';import {View, Text, Image, StatusBar, SafeAreaView, TouchableOpacity, ScrollView, RefreshControl, FlatList, Platform} from 'react-native';import { Header, ListItem } from 'react-native-elements';import ModalDropdown from 'react-native-modal-dropdown';import Images from '../../Assets/values/images';import { RFPercentage as rfp, RFValue as rfv } from 'react-native-responsive-fontsize';import { heightPercentageToDP as hp, widthPercentageToDP as wp } from 'react-native-responsive-screen';import styles from '../../Assets/values/styles/HoursReport/ClientsProyects/ClientsProyectsStyle';import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view';import DataManager from '../../../Util/CrossUtils/DataManager';export default class ClientsProyectsScreen extends React.Component<any, any> {  constructor(props: any) {    super(props);    this.state = {      SeleccionClientes: '',    }  }    items = [ {  client: 'Microsoft',  idClient: 0,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'React Native App' }, {  client: 'Amazon',  idClient: 1,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'ServerSide OPS' }, {  client: 'Microsoft',  idClient: 0,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'AI Enhancer' }, {  client: 'Google',  idClient: 4,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'Whatever Come Up With' }, {  client: 'KFC',  idClient: 3,  idProjectType: 1,  projectType: 'traditional',  title: 'QR Reader' },     ]  componentDidMount(){    console.log(DataManager.ResponseProjectClient);  }  searchCliente = item => {    var jsonData = item;    var searchData = [];    jsonData.forEach(element => {      searchData.push(element.cliente);    });    return searchData;  }  searchProyecto = item => {  }  updateFav = item => {   const newData = [...this.items[this.state.SeleccionClientes]];   const updateItem = newData.find(x => x.key === item.key);   updateItem.fav = !item.fav;   const updatedArray = Object.assign(this.items);   updatedArray[this.state.SeleccionClientes] = newData;   this.setState({ items: updatedArray });  };  render() {    return (<><StatusBar translucent backgroundColor="transparent" /><SafeAreaView style={{backgroundColor: '#fafafa'}}/>        {/*<Header          backgroundImage={Images.header_nav}          backgroundImageStyle={styles.HeaderImagenCP}          leftComponent={<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()}><View><Image style={styles.HeaderHorizontal} source={Images.back}/></View></TouchableOpacity>          }          centerComponent={{text: 'Imputar horas', ellipsizeMode: 'clip', style: styles.HeaderHoursReportCP }}          placement='center'        />        */}<View style={styles.ContainerBackground}><View style={{flexDirection: 'row'}}><View style={{alignItems: 'flex-start', justifyContent: 'flex-start', alignSelf: 'flex-start', marginTop: hp('2.2%'), marginLeft: wp('6.3%')}}><Text style={{              fontSize: rfv(18),              fontWeight: "500",              fontStyle: "normal",              textAlign: "left",              color: "#707070"            }}>Proyectos</Text></View><TouchableOpacity style={{position: 'absolute', alignItems: 'flex-end', justifyContent: 'flex-end', alignSelf: 'flex-end', paddingBottom: hp('1%'), left: wp('90%')}} onPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()}><Image source={Images.close_modal}/></TouchableOpacity></View><KeyboardAwareScrollView          keyboardShouldPersistTaps="handled"          enableOnAndroid={true}>            {/*<View style={{alignItems: 'flex-end', justifyContent: 'flex-end', alignSelf: 'flex-end', marginRight: widthPercentageToDP('6.3%')}}><TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()}><Image source={Images.close_modal}/></TouchableOpacity></View>            */}<View style={styles.Left}><Text style={styles.TituloInputOnBlur}>Cliente</Text></View><View style={styles.Center}><ModalDropdown                adjustFrame={style => {                  style.top =(Platform.OS === 'ios' ? style.top : style.top - StatusBar.currentHeight);                  return style;                }}                dropdownTextStyle={styles.dropdownTextStyle}                dropdownTextHighlightStyle={styles.dropdownTextHighlightStyle}                dropdownStyle={styles.dropdownStyle}                defaultValue={'Seleccionar'}                style={styles.dropStyle}                textStyle={{                  padding: 0,                  margin: 0,                  fontSize: rfv(16),                  paddingVertical: hp('1.2%'),                  fontWeight: 'normal',                  fontStyle: 'normal',                  textAlign: 'left',                }}                //onSelect={(index, value) => this.setState({SeleccionClientes: value})}                //options={Object.keys(this.state.items)}                onSelect={(index, value) => this.setState({SeleccionClientes: value})}                options={Object.keys(this.items)}              /></View><View>            {              this.items[this.state.SeleccionClientes] != null ?<View>                {<FlatList                    data={this.items[this.state.SeleccionClientes]}                    renderItem={({item, index}) => (<ListItem                        containerStyle={{backgroundColor: '#fafafa', width: wp('87.1%'), height: 64, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', alignSelf: 'center', marginTop: hp('2.8%'), paddingHorizontal: 0}}                        topDivider={false}                        bottomDivider={true}                        titleStyle={{                          marginLeft: 0,                          fontSize: rfv(16),                          fontWeight: "normal",                          fontStyle: "normal",                          textAlign: "left",                          color: "#707070"                        }}                        subtitleStyle={{                          marginLeft: 0,                          fontSize: rfv(14),                          fontWeight: "normal",                          fontStyle: "normal",                          textAlign: "left",                          color: "#c4c4c4"                        }}                        title={`${item.name}`}                        subtitle={`ID ${item.key}`}                        switch={{                          trackColor: { false: "#767577", true: "#81b0ff" },                          thumbColor: item.fav == true ? "#1062cc" : "#f4f3f4",                          ios_backgroundColor: "#9e9e9e",                          value: item.fav,                           onValueChange: () => this.updateFav(item)                        }}                      />                    )}                  />                }</View>              :<View style={{alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', alignSelf: 'center'}}><View style={{marginTop: hp('11%')}}><Image style={{marginBottom: hp('2.8%')}} source={Images.sad_face}/></View><Text style={{                  fontSize: rfv(18),                  fontWeight: "normal",                  fontStyle: "normal",                  textAlign: "left",                  color: "#c4c4c4"                }}>Sin proyectos activos</Text></View>            }</View><View style={styles.BottomPush} /></KeyboardAwareScrollView></View></>    );  }}

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