Hi there I have been looking for a way to allow bubbling of certain events to items that are exposed in this.props.children im sure there must be a simple way to do this with React-native?
private onTouchEvent(name, ev): void { const event: NativeTouchEvent = ev.nativeEvent; if(event.pageY - this.pageYStart < -50){ console.log(GESTURE_EVENTS.SWIPE_UP); } else if(event.pageY - this.pageYStart > 50){ console.log(GESTURE_EVENTS.ON_PRESS); ///event.target === 1893 /// here I want to call a method on or event } }
Iv also found there is a way to expose native events which I assume can be used to target native elements. However ideally I would just like to use the target ID to find the element and execute a function call but see that with react-native arch this might not be easily achieved.
#import <React/RCTComponent.h>@interface GestureEmitter : UIView@property (nonatomic, copy) RCTBubblingEventBlock myCallback;@end@implementation GestureEmitter ...- (void) onButtonPress { self.myCallback(@{ data: 'data sent from native' });} ...@end
Any help or advice would be greatly received.