I drawn a polygon using MapboxGL.ShapeSource
and added MapboxGLView.PointAnnotation
on every point to make points draggable.
But i'm facing issues
When i finished the draw of Polygon, i'm not able to move or drag the polygon
Polygon Data => {"coordinates": [[73.66673886505973, 21.78762724903116], [73.66889536107317, 21.791363112441147], [73.66555869310983, 21.79017760900554]]}
here my code
<MapboxGL.Animated.ShapeSource id={'Polygon'} maxZoomLevel={17} onPress={(event: any) => { console.log('Shape is pressed ', event); }} shape={{ type: 'Feature', geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: coordinates, }, }}><MapboxGL.FillLayer id="routefill" sourceID="Polygon" style={{fillColor: fillColor}} /><MapboxGL.LineLayer id="routeline" sourceID="Polygon" belowLayerID="routefill" style={{ lineWidth: 5, // lineOpacity: 0.5, lineJoin: 'round', lineCap: 'round', lineDasharray: [2, 2], lineColor: strokeColor, }} /></MapboxGL.Animated.ShapeSource>
can anyone please help me how can i make polygon draggable