First of all, I apologize for my bad English.I am using the select component of the UI Kitten. Every item fails when I change it.
This is the mistake;
"Warning cannot update during an existing state react native"
I am sharing sample codes with you.
const data = ["test 1","test 2"];constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { selectedIndex: new IndexPath(0), displayValue: null }; }componentDidMount() { this._handleSetSelectedIndex = this._handleSetSelectedIndex.bind(this);}_handleSetSelectedIndex(value) { this.setState({selectedIndex: value});}
in Render function;
<Select style={{ width: 300 }} placeholder='Default' value={data[this.state.selectedIndex.row]} selectedIndex={this.state.selectedIndex} onSelect={index => this._handleSetSelectedIndex(index)}> {, value) => { return (<SelectItem key={value} title={key}/> ); })}</Select>