I am using the Video Expo component and noticed that there is a prop playFromPositionAsync
I saw this on Video.d.ts:
export default class Video extends React.Component<VideoProps, VideoState> implements Playback { ... playFromPositionAsync: (positionMillis: number, tolerances?: { toleranceMillisBefore?: number; toleranceMillisAfter?: number; }) => Promise<AVPlaybackStatus>;}
I have this on my code:
import { Video } from 'expo-av';...return data.feed.map((item: DataType, idx: number) => (<Video key={item.id} useNativeControls={false} isMuted={currentIndex !== idx} source={{ uri: item.video_url }} shouldPlay={currentIndex === idx} />)
See this line abive: shouldPlay={currentIndex === idx}
I want to do similar with playFromPositionAsync
<Video playFromPositionAsync={currentIndex === idx && playFromPositionAsync(0)}
Well, that code above doesn't work.
I need to use that prop/function: playFromPositionAsync
when currentIndex === idx
, so how can I use it?
I saw an example like this: https://github.com/expo/playlist-example/blob/51718bc8bf398bdccda46748e777c294cd40db99/App.js#L404 but the example shows a class based component, and I am using functional/stateless components.
Any ideas?