How can I translate this .js file into a Typescript one?
import * as Colors from './colors';import * as Spacing from './spacing';import * as Typography from './typography';import * as Mixins from './mixins';export { Typography, Spacing, Colors, Mixins };
Thank you
Edit 1:I'm trying to fix the folowing error:
Cannot find module '_styles' or its corresponding type declarations.
When trying to import a file in another file
import {Colors,Typography,Mixins} from '_styles';
It works, but shows the above warning.I have a setup that allow my to import the file without the complete path that works well but with typescript, it shows a warning.
Edit 2:
I have the following setup in .babelrc
{"plugins": [ ["module-resolver", {"cwd": "babelrc","root": ["./src"],"extensions": [".js", ".ios.js", ".android.js", ".ts", ".tsx", ".json"],"alias": {"_assets": "./src/assets","_components": "./src/components","_atoms": "./src/components/atoms","_molecules": "./src/components/molecules","_organisms": "./src/components/organisms","_navigations": "./src/navigations","_scenes": "./src/scenes","_services": "./src/services","_styles": "./src/styles","_utils": "./src/utils","_i18n": "./src/i18n" } } ] ]}