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React native, entered Form values are passed as null from react native Fetch method


Please advise me as my react native page does not add all the state items from into the add api

the api is working

I have checked all I can check but unfortunately, I am unable to find out where the error comes formhttpsI have tested the API with data all seems to be working well I have also added the styles and see the code below

import React, { Component } from "react";import { useState } from "react";import {  TouchableHighlight,  View,  TextInput,  StyleSheet,  KeyboardAvoidingView,  Picker,  Button,  Alert,  Text} from "react-native";import DateTimePicker from "react-native-modal-datetime-picker";import { formatDateTime } from "./utilities";const createStartedAddingAlert = () =>  Alert.alert("Started Adding","Succesfully started Adding",    [      {        text: "Cancel",        onPress: () => console.log("Cancel Pressed"),        style: "cancel"      },      {        text: "OK",        onPress: () => console.log("ssssssssssssssssssss started adding>>>>>> ")      }    ],    { cancelable: false }  );const createFinishedAddingAlert = () =>  Alert.alert("Finished Adding","Succesfully finished Adding",    [      {        text: "Cancel",        onPress: () => console.log("Cancel Pressed"),        style: "cancel"      },      {        text: "OK",        onPress: () => console.log("ffffffffffffffff finished adding>>>>>> ")      }    ],    { cancelable: false }  );class ExpenseForm extends Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      dataSource: null    };  }  state = {    title: null,    description: null,    category: "",    subcategory: "",    thedatetime: "",    amount: 0  };  state = {    category: "--Select One--"  };  handleAddPress = () => {    console.log("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", this.state);    createStartedAddingAlert();    return fetch("https://example.com/expense/api/add_exp.php", {      method: "POST",      headers: {        Accept: "application/json","Content-Type": "application/json"      },      body: JSON.stringify({        user_id: "default",        title: this.state.title,        amount: this.state.amount,        description: "",        category: this.state.category,        subcategory: "",        date_time: formatDateTime(this.state.thedatetime)      })    })      .then(response => response.json())      .then(responseJson => {        this.setState({          isLoading: false,          dataSource: responseJson.response_code        });      }, console.log("dataSource is >> " + this.state.dataSource))      .catch(error => console.log(error));    createFinishedAddingAlert();  };  handleChangeTitle = value => {    this.setState({ title: value });  };  handleChangeAmount = value => {    this.setState({ amount: value });  };  handleDatePicked = thedatetime => {    this.setState({      thedatetime    });    this.handleDatePickerHide();  };  handleDatePickerHide = () => {    this.setState({      showDatePicker: false    });  };  handleDatePress = () => {    this.setState({      showDatePicker: true    });  };  render() {    return (<View        style={{          flex: 1        }}><KeyboardAvoidingView          behavior={Platform.OS == "ios" ? "padding" : "height"}          style={styles.container}><View style={styles.fieldContainer}><TextInput              style={styles.text}              placeholder="Expense Title"              spellCheck={false}              value={this.state.title}              onChangeText={this.handleChangeTitle}            /></View><View style={styles.fieldContainer}><TextInput              style={styles.text}              placeholder="Amount"              spellCheck={false}              value={this.state.amount}              keyboardType={"numeric"}              onChangeText={this.handleChangeAmount}            /></View><View style={styles.fieldContainer}><TextInput              style={[styles.text, styles.borderTop]}              placeholder="Event date"              spellCheck={false}              editable={!this.state.showDatePicker}              onFocus={this.handleDatePress}              value={formatDateTime(this.state.thedatetime)}            /><DateTimePicker              isVisible={this.state.showDatePicker}              mode="datetime"              onConfirm={this.handleDatePicked}              onCancel={this.handleDatePickerHide}            /></View><View style={styles.pickerContainer}><Picker              selectedValue={this.state.category}              style={{ height: 50, width: 200 }}              onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) =>                this.setState({ category: itemValue })              }><Picker.Item label="--Select One--" value="--Select One--" /><Picker.Item label="Automobile" value="Automobile" /><Picker.Item label="Clothing" value="Clothing" /><Picker.Item label="Debt Reduction" value="Debt Reduction" /><Picker.Item label="Education" value="Education" /><Picker.Item                label="Entertainment/Fun"                value="Entertainment/Fun"              /><Picker.Item label="Family" value="Family" /><Picker.Item label="Food" value="Food" /><Picker.Item label="Gifts" value="Gifts" /><Picker.Item label="Giving" value="Giving" /><Picker.Item                label="Household Items/Supplies"                value="Household Items/Supplies"              /><Picker.Item label="Insurance" value="Insurance" /><Picker.Item label="Investments" value="Investments" /><Picker.Item label="Maintenance" value="Maintenance" /><Picker.Item label="Medical" value="Medical" /><Picker.Item label="Personal" value="Personal" /><Picker.Item label="Shelter/Home" value="Shelter/Home" /><Picker.Item label="Training" value="Training" /><Picker.Item label="Transportation" value="Transportation" /><Picker.Item label="Travel/Vacations" value="Travel/Vacations" /><Picker.Item label="Utilities" value="Utilities" /></Picker></View><TouchableHighlight            onPress={this.handleAddPress}            style={styles.button}><Text style={styles.buttonText}>Add</Text></TouchableHighlight></KeyboardAvoidingView></View>    );  }}const styles = StyleSheet.create({  fieldContainer: {    marginTop: 20,    marginLeft: 20,    marginRight: 20,    backgroundColor: "#fff"  },  text: {    height: 40,    margin: 0,    marginRight: 7,    paddingLeft: 10  },  borderTop: {    borderColor: "#edeeef",    borderTopWidth: 0.5  },  button: {    height: 50,    backgroundColor: "#48BBEC",    borderColor: "#48BBEC",    alignSelf: "stretch",    margin: 10,    justifyContent: "center",    alignItems: "center",    borderRadius: 5  },  buttonText: {    color: "#fff",    fontSize: 18  },  pickerContainer: {    flex: 1,    paddingTop: 5,    alignItems: "center"  }});export default ExpenseForm;

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