In my first execute my function doens't work.I need a checkbox that adds or subtracts numbers. but it doesn't work on the first run, only on the next ones. console.log () works, but it only adds or subtracts in the second run onwards.
constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { valOp1: false, cotacao: 0.0, cont: 1, }; } op1 = value => {{ this.setState({ valOp1: !this.state.valOp1}); if(this.state.valOp1 == true){ console.log('selected'); this.setState({ cotacao: this.state.cotacao + 10}); console.log(this.state.cotacao); } else if(this.state.valOp1 == false){ console.log('not selected'); this.setState({ cotacao: this.state.cotacao - 10}); console.log(this.state.cotacao); } } this.funcop1();} funcop1(){ } render(){ return(<View><TextInput label="Valor Fipe" value={this.state.val} maxLength={11} keyboardType="numeric" onChangeText= {(val) => this.setState({val})} /><View style={styles.container}><Text style={styles.checkTitle}>Opcionais:</Text><View style={styles.checkboxContainer}><CheckBox value={!!this.state.valOp1} onValueChange={this.op1} style={styles.checkbox} /><Text style={styles.label}>Do you like React Native?</Text></View></View></View> ); }}```