On my screen, I search items using the input field. The list that is rendered is inside a ScrollView but it does not let me scroll in Android at least. How can I fix this?
Maybe its because of the keypad.
return (<> {addressesFound.length > 0 ? (<ScrollView style={styles.searchResultsContainer} keyboardShouldPersistTaps={'always'} keyboardDismissMode={'on-drag'}> {addressesFound.map((addressDetails: addressDetailsType) => { return (<View key={addressDetails.placeName} style={styles.resultContainer}><Text style={styles.text}> {addressDetails.placeName}</Text></View> ); })}</ScrollView> ) : null}</> );};const styles = StyleSheet.create({ searchResultsContainer: { width: moderateScale(400), paddingHorizontal: moderateScale(50), paddingRight: moderateScale(65), marginTop: moderateScale(10), }, resultContainer: { marginTop: moderateScale(10), borderBottomWidth: 1, borderBottomColor: 'grey', }, text: { fontSize: moderateScale(15), },});