My end goal here is to give a few drawer items custom background colors depending on a few states set elsewhere. I understand that in order to give unique background colors to drawer items, I need to set up custom drawer content. However, I am having an issue in which I cannot get the custom drawer icons to know if they are in focus or not.
I originally thought that I could just do a const [bHomeFocused, setbHomeFocused] = useState(false)
(etc) and setting state on onPress
and then setting the focused
property on that, but when a bunch more drawer items come in, I think that sounds like an unwieldy solution.
I'm sure there is a simple answer that I'm missing, as non-custom DrawerItems have this functionality inherently...
import { Drawer } from 'react-native-paper'import { createDrawerNavigator, DrawerNavigationProp, DrawerItem, DrawerContentScrollView, DrawerItemList, DrawerContentComponentProps, DrawerContentOptions } from '@react-navigation/drawer';function CustomDrawerContent(props: DrawerContentComponentProps<DrawerContentOptions>) { return (<DrawerContentScrollView {...props}><Drawer.Section><DrawerItem label="Dashboard" labelStyle={{ color: colorTheme.normalText }} icon={() => <Icon name="book" type="feather" size={26} color={colorTheme.normalText} />} activeBackgroundColor={colorTheme.panel} inactiveBackgroundColor={colorTheme.cyan} onPress={() => { props.navigation.navigate('Dashboard') }} /></Drawer.Section><DrawerItem label="Home" labelStyle={{ color: colorTheme.normalText }} icon={() => <Icon name="home" type="feather" size={26} color={colorTheme.normalText} />} activeBackgroundColor={colorTheme.panel} inactiveBackgroundColor={} onPress={() => { props.navigation.navigate('HomeStack') }} /></DrawerContentScrollView> );}export type DrawerParamList = { Dashboard: undefined; HomeStack: undefined;};export type DrawerProps<T extends keyof DrawerParamList> = { navigation: DrawerNavigationProp<DrawerParamList, T>; route: RouteProp<DrawerParamList, T>;};const AppDrawer = createDrawerNavigator<DrawerParamList>();export default function MainDrawer({ route, navigation }: TopLevelStackProps<"MainDrawer">) { return (<AppDrawer.Navigator drawerStyle={globalStyles.drawer} drawerContent={ (props) => <CustomDrawerContent {...props} /> } drawerContentOptions={{ labelStyle: { color: colorTheme.normalText }, activeBackgroundColor: colorTheme.panel, inactiveBackgroundColor: colorTheme.background, }}><AppDrawer.Screen name="Dashboard" component={Dashboard} options={{ unmountOnBlur: true, }} /><AppDrawer.Screen name="HomeStack" component={HomeStack} options={{ unmountOnBlur: true, }} /></AppDrawer.Navigator> );}