In my Formik form, when I click on the search button, a list of items is rendered (UsersFoundList). This list is outside the form and each item in the list has a button of its own.
When I click on any of those buttons from the list for the first time, they don't work. Instead, the handleBlur of my form is triggered and since the input field is empty, an error messages starts showing under the input field. So, the button doesn't do what it's supposed to do in the first attempt. I tested the handleBlur by writing a console log into it.
This error should only show up when I am trying to submit the form again. Not when I click on anything else.
const [showFlatList, setShowFlatList] = useState(false); const handleSubmitForm = ( values: FormValues, helpers: FormikHelpers<FormValues>, ) => { console.log('hello', values.input) setShowFlatList(true); helpers.resetForm(); }; return (<View style={styles.container}><View ><Formik initialValues={initialValues} onSubmit={handleSubmitForm} validationSchema={addRelationValidationSchema}> {({ handleChange, handleBlur, handleSubmit, values }) => (<View style={styles.searchFieldContainer}><View style={styles.form}><FieldInput handleChange={handleChange} handleBlur={handleBlur} value={values.input} fieldType="input" icon="user" placeholderText="E-Mail oder Telefonnummer oder Name" /><ErrorMessage name="input" render={(msg) => <ErrorText errorMessage={msg} />} /></View><View style={styles.buttonContainer}><NewButton buttonText="Suchen" onPress={handleSubmit} /></View></View> )}</Formik></View><View style={styles.listHolder}> {showFlatList && (<UsersFoundList/> )}</View></View> );
If you run the codesandbox on a phone, you can see the problem:
I need to stop the handleBlur from doing anything. If I click on the a button from the list, it should work on the very first attempt instead of triggering the handleBlur. The problem still exists even if I add validateOnBlur=false
. In this case, the error message doesn't show up but the button still doesn't work on the first attempt.
The button that I click has a separate function. and this button is outside the form so it should do what it's originally supposed to do instead of doing anything in the onBlur(in the sandbox: it's just printing).