I want to have the tabs from BottomTabsNavigator and the header from StackNavigator in the case of jwt = true.
Do someone know how can I do it?
You can find my navigation jsx below.
If I didn't give sufficient details, please ask me.
Thank you.
<NavigationContainer> {jwt ? (<Bottom.Navigator><Bottom.Screen name="ToDoList" component={Home} options={{ title: "Not To Do List", tabBarIcon: ({ color }: any) => (<Icon name="check" color={color} size={28} /> ), }} /><Bottom.Screen name="NotToDoList" component={NotToDo} options={{ title: "To Do List", tabBarIcon: ({ color }: any) => (<FIcon name="ban" color={color} size={28} /> ), }} /><Bottom.Screen name="Profile" component={Profile} options={{ tabBarIcon: ({ color }: any) => (<FIcon name="user" color={color} size={28} /> ), }} /></Bottom.Navigator> ) : (<Stack.Navigator><Stack.Screen name="SignIn" component={SignIn} options={{ ...centerTitle("Sign In"), headerLeft }} /><Stack.Screen name="SignUp" component={SignUp} options={{ ...centerTitle("Sign Up"), headerLeft }} /></Stack.Navigator> )}</NavigationContainer>