How to change the navigation bar in React Native with a Modal?
I'm making a modal component to show when a user registers. But I have the following issue.When I go to the register window, I can see the navigation bar in a blue color:But when the modal is launched,...
View Articlereact-devtools is empty for new react-native project
I just generated a clean React Native (w/ TS) project. When I run it in the iOS simulator then try to connect to react-devtools, devtools is completely blank.I would expect to see the default component...
View ArticleHow to make a pill shaped TouchableOpacity in React Native?
I currently render my button with margins into a rectangular shape and am wondering how I can round the two sides to create a pill shaped icon. I've tried adding borderRadius to style and it doesn't...
View ArticleAdd 2 buttons in the same line
How can I use Native Base buttons in a way that they both appear to be in the same line? Currently, the second button is on the right as it should be, but it appears a bit lower than the first button....
View ArticleHow to stop a request in Axios?
I would like to stop a request when the database is offline or when there is a problem with the backend conexion, but I don't know how to do this.My Axios settings are as follows:import axios from...
View ArticleHow to add aws-Amplify authentication to react-native typescript project...
I'm trying to add Amplify Authentication in my react native project that uses Typescript template . There is a package given in amplify documentation 'aws-amplify-react-native' which is used as a...
View ArticleHow to use AWS Amplify in React Native with Typescript Project?
I'm trying to add Amplify Authentication in my react native project which uses typescript.There is a package given in amplify documentation 'aws-amplify-react-native' which is used as a middleware to...
View ArticleReact Native - Using FlatList and Local Storage
I am trying to get my data from local storage (React Native Async Storage) and then push this data into an array (arrayItems) which is used for the flatlist data. My problem is that my data will not...
View Articlereact-native-video 5.2.0 Android Build error RNC 0.66.3
Could not find error shows every time I tried to build in android. IOS work fine for me.I added jcenter to android/build.gradle like this:allprojects {...
View Articlereact-native web application is not run in the web browser
i wrote code in react-native and saved as typescript files then try to run then app in web browser but it's throwing error of (Module parse failed: Unexpected token (a:a)You may need an appropriate...
View ArticleCan we use XML format translations file instead JSON in React native
Am developing react native application using react i18next lib, for translations i have used xml format in android for native, in react native can we use xml format translations file instead of JSON...
View ArticleHow to pass multiple same index values to json object or a workaround
i want to clarify that i'm not a native english speaker so don't kill me because of my grammar pls x). And also i'm junior so this code is horrible and a HUGE mess :SI'm currently using React Native...
View ArticleReact native calendars agenda not showing items with same date
I'm currently using React Native Calendars library to build an agenda-like app on React Native, to get the data i need, i use Firebase Firestore library.This library's agenda uses a few properties in...
View ArticleHow to fire events on multiple layers of custom components with react unit...
I'm writing a test case for a feature I'm unit testing. I want to edit a text field that's embedded within several custom components but I can't figure out how to access it:PriceOverride.test.tsx...
View Articlehow to prevent textInput re-rendering with react native?
I am developing a simple editor application with react native.I've implemented the ability to add parentheses.However, in order to implement this feature, I needed to manage the selection as a state,...
View ArticleEnter number in reverse order in text field
I have a TextInput in react-native , I want to enter a number in order as 0.00 => 0.01 => 0.12 => 1.23 => 12.34 => 123.45 like this on each change text . CSS Direction "rtl" is not...
View ArticleTypeError: setEmail is not a function. (In 'setEmail(input)', 'setEmail' is...
App.js const[getScreen, showScreen] = useState(false); const[getEmail, setEmail] = useState("");<LoginScreen/><LoginContexts.Provider...
View ArticleCreate an expanding line from a point in react native
im trying to create a personality picker as seen in the image below. The intended use of it is that depending on the score of each personality from 0 to 5 a black line will be drawn and expand to each...
View Article(React Native) Render error Value is undefined expected object
So I was making a todo app and i encountered an errorErrorRender ErrorValue is undefined expected objectCode of Main.tsx<Center _dark={{bg: 'blueGray.900'}} _light={{bg: 'blueGray.50'}} px={4}...
View ArticleSafeAreaView ref generates a Typescript error
I'm getting a stragne error in TypeScript SafeAreaView component. I crated other refs for WebView and it doesn't fail, only seems to fail when assigned to the SafeAreaView component.import { useRef,...
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