Invariant Violation: no callback found with cbID for module
I have created yarn package with common components, services, utils, etc. for my project. Then I have created index.ts file in src folder, where I've exported all components. Then I've built the...
View ArticleABI issue in standard pancakeswap fork
I am trying to create a fork of pancakeswap/goosedefi. The project works when I check it out from github and start using yarn start.As soon as I change the contract addresses, symbol, and ABI to match...
View ArticleWhat is the event type for FlatList's onScroll in react native?
Typescript is complaining Parameter 'event' implicitly has an 'any' type. for the event in the onScroll function.const onScroll = (event) => { console.log("width: ",...
View ArticleReact Native - Starting hook kills background timer / How to keep function...
I have the following hook:useEffect(() => { if (running) { subGyrosocope = gyroscope.subscribe({ next: ({ data }) => { // new data every second payloads.push(data); }, error: e =>...
View ArticleHow to align items in FlastList with maximum width?
I have read a lot of similar questions here but I can't still align items in FlatList to the center horizontally. Below is my component:const renderItem = ({item}: ListRenderItemInfo<Post>) =>...
View ArticleUnable to update redux state and realm database
I'm trying to update my redux store with data that was entered in my useState.While I was researching this error logs, I've noticed that in most cases it is related to realm database, somehow it seems...
View Articlecannot initiate expo bare workflow with typescript
I`m trying to initiate expo bare workflow with typescirpt.But after I type "expo init [project name]" in command window,I cannot find minimal(typescirpt) option.? Choose a template: » - Use arrow-keys....
View ArticleReact native navigation param expecting undefined
Im using react native. When I try to navigate and pass prop as outlined in the documentation, the following code gives me this warning indicating that typescript is expecting the 2nd argument to be...
View ArticleCalculate the difference between two dates from API in React Native and shown...
I want to calculate the difference between two dates from API in hours.I have this endpointschallenge: [startDate: "2022-02-17T23:00:25.441",endDate: "2023-02-17T23:00:25.441",]and implemented...
View ArticleReact, spread operator while using a TypeScript props interface
I have this AppText component where I want to use a Props interface while having the ability to accept other props fields that I can consume with a spread operator. Here is my attempt...
View ArticleCreate App with React Native and typescript
I'm trying to create an app with React Native and TypeScript, but it's not working. I use the following commands:npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-typescriptAnd the log...
View ArticleXCODE: error opening input file...
I have a problem when I run my project in XCode.I just installed the package react-native-compressor by following the installation instructionsAnd when I run my project in XCode, I have this...
View Article"You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders."...
./node_modules/n/nds-native/theme/theme.tsx 16:7Module parse failed: Unexpected token (16:7)You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.| const THEME_MODE_V1 = 'themeModeV1';| >...
View ArticleAdd to Flatlist from anoter screen
What I'm trying to do here is basically logging a workout by selecting exercises I did. All available exercises could be selected from an "Exercise Explorer" screen.In the images provided above, I...
View ArticleGetting coordinates of a touch in React Native (Expo)
I need to get (relative) coordinates of a click/touch in React Native.I tried using RN <View onPress={(e: GestureResponderEvent) => ...}>On the Web, I further use e.nativeEvent which is of the...
View ArticleRemove Warning : [react-native-gesture-handler] Seems like you're using an...
I'm creating a project to learn React Native. I'm using typescript on this project. I added react-navigation : To make react-navigation working, I had to do :yarn add @react-navigation/nativeyarn add...
View ArticleFocus TextInput after select
I got an error when I tried to focus a TextInput after selecting a Dropdown value.And also, when I tried to write, it's lost focus, but I think it is related to how I'm trying to do this.This is the...
View ArticleTrigger some API once react state empty
I want to trigger An API to do some actions when the value in the react state be empty, Is there a way in react state hook to achieve that?
View ArticleWhat is the best way to complete a registration based on a choice?
I am not sure what is the best way to insure the best way to complete a registration.My register page is complete and redirects with a parameter perfectly, I have 3 types of users,1- Normal userAfter a...
View ArticleDesctructure in function props with typescript
I'm trying to run a Flatlist with typescript, but it seems to allow only an expression function that has its props destructured. I cant seem to figure out how desctructure with the necessary type...
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