Resolve error: webpack with invalid interface loaded as resolver after Expo...
Since upgrading Expo SDK from 43 to 45, I am getting these ESLint errors in every file on the first import line. The project is able to run though.I've tried adding the...
View ArticleReact Native - integration not send data
I'm trying to login via mobile, but the data is not sent.On the web it works normally.In Postman it works normally.The React Native returns the error message: "response": "{"message":"email must be an...
View ArticleExpo Typescript won't build the project, no outDir is produced
I'm trying to get my typescript project to build. It has built successfully in the past with the same settings, but now it's not building even though it isn't showing any errors. I run:npx tsc -p...
View ArticleReact Native throwing missing dependency error
I'm cloning a existing react-native project with typescript support. But when I tried to install the node_modules package it started to show this error and does not start the project even after...
View ArticleTypescript Type for routeNameRef in React Navigation v5 in screen tracking...
I am following the docs to implement screen tracking with react-native-firebase analytics in a React Native App that uses Typescript. and...
View ArticleUnable to use typescript with expo - "It looks like you're trying to use...
I am receiving an error while trying to use Typescript with my existing expo project.While following the docs, I created a tsconfig.json file in the project root.When running expo start, I am prompted...
View ArticleIs it possible to create a strictly typed React HOC in Typescript?
As context, I'm attempting to create a higher order component to wrap React Native components and add some functionality based on a ref to the component.Short, untyped example:export function...
View ArticleModal changing the android navbar color - React Native typescript
i'm making an app with react native typescript and Expo and i change the navbar color like this in the entire application(i made this based on this solution:...
View ArticleMocking with RN Detox
I am following the detox mocking guide with typescript. The app always prints console.log of X.ts file instead of X.e2e.ts file.Dependency version.react-native: 0.61.5,detox: 16.4.0Metro...
View ArticleCannot upload react-native-camera TakePictureResponse to Firebase Storage
I am trying to use react-native-camera to take a photo then upload that photo to Firebase storage. I am able to retrieve the file as a blob using RNFetchBlob, however when trying to .put() into...
View Articlereact native typescript 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type...
[I keep getting the error that says 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never' in react native typescript and I don't know why. Can someone help me fix this bug.Thank you in advance.]1code...
View ArticleProblem with displaying data from useLazyQuery
Hi I'm bothering with display data in logs by console.log(). I'm using redux toolkit with react native and I'm always getting an undefined in response.So this is where I made my query:downloadInvoice:...
View ArticleCorrect way to initialize a React Native Component with Navigation
I'm currently struggeling using React native navigation and class components.Before I had no extra options in the StackNavigator and just the <MainStack.Screen name="HomeScreen"...
View ArticleTypeScript - React Native : what is the way to switch between cases in the...
const [darkMode, setDarkMode] = useState(false); const toggleDarkMode = () => setDarkMode(previousState => !previousState); const [locationName, setLocationName] = useState(false); const...
View ArticleTypescript - React Native: There is way to save switch button state?
There is way to save switch button state with asyncstorage ?My goal is that when the user clicks on the switcher, then its state will be preserved even when the user exits the application and returns...
View ArticleHow to type props in styled-components react-native component?
How can I use the Props interface to type my react native Text component props with styled components? When I do it like this I don't get any props typing.interface Props { variant: TypeScaleVariant;...
View ArticleCould not find a declaration file for module 'styled-components/native'
If you add styled-components to your React Native project, there's a sub-directory for the native components specifically:import styled from 'styled-components/native`;export const Container =...
View ArticleReact execute a function at varying time intervals
I have an API which returns a list of objects. Each of these objects have a field called timeOut which contains some time interval in secs. Once the time interval of any object expires, some operation...
View ArticleNeed help fixing or suppressing this tslint error: TS2742
I have this file in a react native project:import styled, { withTheme } from 'styled-components';import { BaseText } from '../BaseText';export interface BodyProps { textAlign?: string; fontSize?:...
View ArticleWhy I got Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection in React Native?
I want to get 4 values from user and I want storage them in asyncStorage and list them main page.first of all I have App.tsx like this:App.tsx const [objName,setObjName]= useState('') const...
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