Scandit using typescript
I wanted to convert this repo(in this particular file) to use typescript. My problem is that I'm not too familiar with using classes. So far I have done this, however, I'm still getting errors.The...
View ArticleMysterious react native state mutation error occurring in mobile app
I am getting the error:Invariant failed: A state mutation was detected between dispatches, in the path 'feedReducer.quickSources.0.isSelect'I have tried resolving this for several days and have no idea...
View ArticleWhy this useFormik is updating the initial value by itself?
I got component structure like this. The actual code is not like this I am just trying to help you...
View ArticleWhat is the react query "queryKey" typescript type
I'm using react query with typescript. What is the type of the arguments given to the function?export const useUserId = (token: string) => useQuery<number | undefined>(['userId', token],...
View ArticleTypescript compile errors after upgrading react native project
I'm trying to upgrade a react native project from 0.63.3 to 0.67.0, and I'm getting too many errors when I try to run npm run tsc. and It seems like the typescript packages are not compatible with...
View ArticleImplementation for media and file uploading
I want to make an implementation using react native and typescript, for the user to have the option to browse and upload files/media, also to take a photo with camera and upload it. Do you guys suggest...
View ArticleMultiple reanimated2 animations on same component in React native
I have a card component with 2 buttons present inside it 'Follow' and 'Dismiss'. If I press on 'Dismiss' I want the component to do a fade-out-up animation and when I press 'Follow' the component...
View ArticleApp crashes on iOS when trying to upload image to firebase storage using...
to pick the image i usedimport * as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker';image pick process const permission = await ImagePicker.requestMediaLibraryPermissionsAsync(); if (permission.granted === false)...
View ArticleWhat is the most efficient way to load a large JSON file in React Native (Expo)
I am developing an app with React Native using Expo, I have a large JSON file with about 250 arrays of data. Upon the user tapping to enter this page that displays the data, it takes about 5-8 seconds...
View ArticleModule not found: Can't resolve Next.js - TypeScript
I receive the image´s error but I don´t understand why do I get it.Also attached the directory in the second image.import Link from 'next/link';import { useState } from 'react';import { ProductModel }...
View ArticleHow can I use this React Native PGP library?
I want to make a App that just generates a PGP Keypair and Displays it in those with useState but i didn't unterstand anything on the Documentation...
View ArticleTS2305: has no exported member when importing from a barrel file
I am using webpack and typescript in expo applicationI have 2 TS files then export functions for example:// folder/file1.tsexport function func1() { ... };// folder/file2.tsexport function func2() {...
View ArticleWhen to use useCallback in React?
I have gone through a couple of articles on useCallback and useMemo on when to use and when not to use but I have mostly seen very contrived code. I was looking at a code at my company where I have...
View Articlereact-i18next on React Native No overload matches this call typescript
Iam trying to configure react-i18next 11.8.2 in my React Native app with typescript 4.1.2:i18n.use(initReactI18next).init({ resources: { en, es, }, lng: 'es', fallbackLng: 'es', interpolation: {...
View ArticleDefault props in React Component (Typescript)
I recently found a way to set default props on react components, like this:type Props = { children: any, color?: keyof typeof textColors,};const GTitle: React.FC<Props> = ({ children, color })...
View ArticleTypescript compile errors after upgrading react native project
I'm trying to upgrade a react native project from 0.63.3 to 0.67.0, and I'm getting too many errors when I try to run npm run tsc. and It seems like the typescript packages are not compatible with...
View ArticleReact native typescript number 0 read as NaN
I am trying to map an array and to use its values or keys as data for my return in React Native (Android).Can anyone explain why the value 0 is being read as NaN?I have noticed the same issue when...
View ArticleDefault props in TypeScript React component
I recently found a way to set default props on React components, like this:type Props = { children: any, color?: keyof typeof textColors,};const GTitle: React.FC<Props> = ({ children, color })...
View ArticleHow can I execute the same function on each screen with navigation? on react...
How can I execute the same function on each screen with navigation?I'm using react native and typescriptI have the navigation file where home, profile, etc...//I have my function like this and I want...
View ArticleExecute the same function for all screens when they get focused in with React...
How can I execute the same function on each screen with React Navigation? I'm using React Native and TypeScript. I have a navigation with home, profile, etc...I have the below function and I want it to...
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