Channel: Active questions tagged react-native+typescript - Stack Overflow
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useQuery used in custom hook returns a response with type useQueryResults

I have the following custom hook called useFocusRefetchQuerytype Props = Parameters<typeof useQuery>;const useFocusRefetchQuery = (...params: Props) => { const useQueryResults =...

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Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type . .

I have been trying to run this React Typescript App, but it keeps getting this error, and I have no idea what to do!2 errors states:"Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'Readonly':...

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Expo: Cannot resolve entry file: The `main` field defined in your...

I am working with the default typescript template generated from the command line npx create-expo-app -t expo-template-blank-typescript and I get this error when I try to start the project.The main...

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React native realm mongodb query and offline usage

We have a use case where logged in user will has list of products which can be shown even if not internet connection and i tried to achieve this using realm device sync (Flexible) using mongodb query...

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Typescript calling a function by reference inside of react jsx

I am using Typescript with React JS.let's say if I have a React functional component:function MyFunction(){ const myArrowFunction = () =>{ return(<div><p>Some...

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react-native: turn RTL off in one screen

I'm trying to add RTL with i18n to my React-native(expo-CLI) app and I have OTP (one Time Password) screen that has a 4-number input.the problem is when RTL is true the input rotates, for example, the...

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Identifying navigate types in react navigation navigationRef

I am trying to add types to my TS version of this function, and am having a bit of trouble.From the React Navigation docs:// RootNavigation.jsimport { createNavigationContainerRef } from...

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What's the type of a arrow function (or a normal function) in typescript?

So, I'm trying to type the props of a componentinterface CardProps { title: string; content: string; image?: string; handle: Function;}const Card: React.FC<CardProps> = ({ title, content, handle,...

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React Native Expo: How to see Axios error full message?

I'm using Axios with React Native and I'm getting a network error.On React JS(Web) when I used to console log the error or response I would get all the details but when I log the error on Expo I only...

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Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled in Next -...

So I've got a next app (based on React Native Web) with package.json in several locations as well as tsconfig.json in several places.I am trying to solve an error I am getting:Support for the...

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How can a SectionList / FlatList renderItem and renderSectionItem layout...

One of the optimizations for FlatList/SectionList is to use the getItemLayout but with varying content this becomes difficult to compute a priori. However, I was wondering can we at least capture the...

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React Navigation App Structure Tabbar visible

I have simple image that illustrates the issuethis is the app structure simplified. I have a tabbar navigator that has three screens A B C.TabBar A is a stack navigator that includes D and EI also have...

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React Native SectionList different data structure. Type FirstObject is not...

I'm using React Native SectionList with different data structure with the following belowconst firstObject: FirstObject = [{ id: 1, age: null, breed: null, gender: 'female', isCastrated: false,...

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Not able to render children {children} component in react native?

I'm working with i18n library for translate languages and it works but now i want to upgrade things using my Screen component to make the code more light.For doing so i crated my screen component...

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ERROR Invariant Violation: Failed to call into JavaScript module method...

I am trying to run a react-native project of someone else's in my android simulator. after installing all the dependencies and copy and pasting the src folder I'm getting this error and I've no idea...

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'X' cannot be used as a JSX component. Its return type 'Element[]' is not a...

I am rending two simple joke cards in TypeScript and the cards do show up in my browser but I also get this error:'Jokes' cannot be used as a JSX component.Its return type 'Element[]' is not a valid...

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How can i delete just the address im pressing?

When i press my fetchApi button, a new address appears, and if i keep pressing, it keeps adding more address, but when i press the removeElement button, it deletes all the addresses, how can i make it...

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Unexpected token '?' no stack in React Native

I'm getting unexpected token '?' error. But, on debug mode, the error disappears.

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Jest failed because it cannot find text of rendered button

I very new to writing tests. Basically I want to test if the menu opens up with when clicking it. The options are buttons with the text "Edit" and "Delete". Test fails with"Unable to find an element...

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How to properly type useNavigation in React Navigation?

I'm trying to type the useNavigation from React Navigation. I would like to be able to pass only the name of the route, but I get an error unless I also pass props for that route.Following the...

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