I have my custom useResults hook like this
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';import yelp from '../api/yelp';export default () => { const [results, setResults] = useState([]); const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(''); const searchApi = async (searchTerm:string) => { console.log('Hi there!'); try { const response = await yelp.get('/search', { params: { limit: 50, term: searchTerm, location: 'san jose' } }); setResults(response.data.businesses); } catch (err) { setErrorMessage('Something went wrong'); } }; useEffect(() => { searchApi('pasta'); }, []); return [searchApi, results, errorMessage];};
in my Search screen I import my custom hook and do a destructuring like this
const [searchApi, errorMessage, results ] = useResults();
But I can't call my searchApi method from JSX code like below (I can call errorMessage and results).
<SearchBar term={term} onTermChange={setTerm} onTermSubmit={()=>searchApi(term)}/>
I'm getting this error
This expression is not callable.Not all constituents of type 'string | ((searchTerm: string) => Promise) | never[]' are callable.Type 'string' has no call signatures
How to pass the "searchApi" function to "onTermSubmit" prop in my "SearchBar" component ?as you can see "searchApi" is an async function
Below is my package.json
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Below is my tsconfig.json
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