I'm building an app in React Native. We recently started using TypeScript in the app and my task is to migrate the unit tests. There is one test that is miracously failing.
The app has a <LoginForm />
that uses Formik.
//... importsexport interface FormValues { email: string; password: string;}export interface Props { navigation: NavigationScreenProp<any, any>;}export default class LoginForm extends Component<Props, object> { handleSubmit = (values: FormValues, formikBag: FormikActions<FormValues>) => { // ... api calls and stuff }; renderForm = ({ values, handleSubmit, setFieldValue, touched, errors, setFieldTouched, isValid, isSubmitting }: FormikProps<FormValues>) => (<View style={styles.container}> // ... two inputs and a button</View> ); render() { return (<Formik initialValues={{ email: "", password: "" }} onSubmit={(values: FormValues, formikBag: FormikActions<FormValues>) => this.handleSubmit(values, formikBag) } validationSchema={<some_schema>} render={(formikBag: FormikProps<FormValues>) => this.renderForm(formikBag)} /> ); }}
This is how the unit test looks for the Function as Child renderForm()
describe("renderForm", () => { let formWrapper: ShallowWrapper; beforeEach(() => { let formikBagMock: any = { values: { email: "Test Email", password: "testpassword" }, handleSubmit: jest.fn(), setFieldValue: jest.fn(), errors: { email: "Test error", password: "" }, touched: { email: true, password: false }, setFieldTouched: jest.fn(), isValid: false, isSubmitting: false }; formWrapper = shallow(wrapper.instance().renderForm(formikBagMock)); }); it("should render a <View />", () => { expect(formWrapper.find("View")).toHaveLength(1); }); it("should render two <Input />", () => { expect(formWrapper.find("Input")).toHaveLength(2); }); it("should render a <Button />", () => { expect(formWrapper.find("Button")).toHaveLength(1); }); describe("styling", () => { it("should give the <View /> the 'container' style", () => { expect(formWrapper.find(View).prop("style")).toEqual(styles.container); }); });});
The problem is that, while this test was passing in .js
it is failing in .tsx
The error thrown looks like this:● LoginForm › rendering › renderForm › should render a <Button /> expect(received).toHaveLength(length) Expected value to have length: 1 Received: {Symbol(enzyme.__root__): {Symbol(enzyme.__root__): [Circular], Symbol(enzyme.__unrendered__): <Component style={{"alignItems": "center", "flex": 1, "justifyContent": "space-evenly"}}><Input autoCapitalize="none" editable={true} errorMessage="Test error" keyboardType="email-address" onBlur={[Function onBlur]} onChangeText={[Function onChangeText]} placeholder="Email address" value="Test Email" /><Input autoCapitalize="none" editable={true} onBlur={[Function onBlur]} onChangeText={[Function onChangeText]} placeholder="Password" secureTextEntry={true} value="testpassword" /><Button TouchableComponent={[Function anonymous]} buttonStyle={{"backgroundColor": "#DC4F19"}} clear={false} containerStyle={{"paddingVertical": 5, "width": "33%"}} disabled={true} disabledStyle={{"backgroundColor": "#DC4F19", "opacity": 0.3}} disabledTitleStyle={{"color": "white"}} iconRight={false} loading={false} loadingProps={{"color": "white", "size": "large"}} onPress={[Function mockConstructor]} raised={false} title="Log In" titleStyle={{"color": "white"}} /></Component>, Symbol(enzyme.__renderer__): {"batchedUpdates": [Function batchedUpdates], "getNode": [Function getNode], "render": [Function render], "simulateError": [Function simulateError], "simulateEvent": [Function simulateEvent], "unmount": [Function unmount]}, Symbol(enzyme.__node__): {"instance": null, "key": undefined, "nodeType": "function", "props": {"children": [Function anonymous]}, "ref": null, "rendered": [Function anonymous], "type": {"$$typeof": Symbol(react.context), "Consumer": [Circular], "Provider": {"$$typeof": Symbol(react.provider), "_context": [Circular]}, "_calculateChangedBits": null, "_currentRenderer": null, "_currentRenderer2": null, "_currentValue": false, "_currentValue2": false, "unstable_read": [Function bound readContext]}}, Symbol(enzyme.__nodes__): [{"instance": null, "key": undefined, "nodeType": "function", "props": {"children": [Function anonymous]}, "ref": null, "rendered": [Function anonymous], "type": {"$$typeof": Symbol(react.context), "Consumer": [Circular], "Provider": {"$$typeof": Symbol(react.provider), "_context": [Circular]}, "_calculateChangedBits": null, "_currentRenderer": null, "_currentRenderer2": null, "_currentValue": false, "_currentValue2": false, "unstable_read": [Function bound readContext]}}], Symbol(enzyme.__options__): {"adapter": {"options": {"enableComponentDidUpdateOnSetState": true, "lifecycles": {"componentDidUpdate": {"onSetState": true}, "getDerivedStateFromProps": true, "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate": true, "setState": {"skipsComponentDidUpdateOnNullish": true}}}}, "attachTo": undefined, "hydrateIn": undefined}}, Symbol(enzyme.__unrendered__): null, Symbol(enzyme.__renderer__): {"batchedUpdates": [Function batchedUpdates], "getNode": [Function getNode], "render": [Function render], "simulateError": [Function simulateError], "simulateEvent": [Function simulateEvent], "unmount": [Function unmount]}, Symbol(enzyme.__node__): undefined, Symbol(enzyme.__nodes__): [], Symbol(enzyme.__options__): {"adapter": {"options": {"enableComponentDidUpdateOnSetState": true, "lifecycles": {"componentDidUpdate": {"onSetState": true}, "getDerivedStateFromProps": true, "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate": true, "setState": {"skipsComponentDidUpdateOnNullish": true}}}}, "attachTo": undefined, "hydrateIn": undefined}} received.length: 0 61 | 62 | it("should render a <Button />", () => {> 63 | expect(formWrapper.find("Button")).toHaveLength(1); | ^ 64 | }); 65 | 66 | describe("styling", () => {
How can it be, that Enzyme suddenly does not find the node anymore? I even tried importing the components View
, Button
and Input
directly and passing that to find()
instead of the strings, but it doesn't change anything. What am I doing wrong?