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React Typescript: Passing function as prop to child and call it from the child


I need to pass function as prop to child, then the child needs to call it.

Here is my parent:

interface DateValue {  dateValue: string;}const Page: React.FC = () => {  const dateChanged = (value: DateValue) => {    console.log(value);  }  return (<IonPage><IonHeader><IonToolbar><IonButtons slot="start"><IonMenuButton /></IonButtons><IonTitle>Financial Records</IonTitle></IonToolbar></IonHeader><IonContent fullscreen><IonHeader collapse="condense"><IonToolbar><IonTitle size="large">Financial Records</IonTitle></IonToolbar></IonHeader><DateContainer onChanged={e => dateChanged} /></IonContent></IonPage>  );};export default Page;

And here is my child:

interface Prop {  onChanged: (date: string) => void}const DateContainer: React.FC<Prop> = (prop: Prop) => {  const [currentDate, setCurrentDate] = useState<string>(moment().toISOString());  const picker = createRef<HTMLIonDatetimeElement>();  const dateChanged = (value: string) => {    setCurrentDate(value);    prop.onChanged(value);  }  const openPicker = () => {    picker.current?.open();  }  return (<div className="DateContainer"><div className="header"><h3 className="title"><IonDatetime onIonChange={e => dateChanged(e.detail.value!)} ref={picker} value={currentDate} /> <IonIcon onClick={openPicker} className="icon" ios={calendarOutline} md={calendarSharp} /></h3></div></div>  );};export default DateContainer;

When the child calls prop.onChanged(value); from:

const dateChanged = (value: string) => {setCurrentDate(value);prop.onChanged(value); <-- HERE}

It does not call:

const dateChanged = (value: DateValue) => {    console.log(value);}

From the parent.

What did I do wrong here?

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