What is the way to populate the EmergencyRolePicker picker in data with a map function rather than hardcoded?In my example I am trying to populate the picker but I want to do it with a map loop so I can select something from the picker.The picker comes from the react-native-paper library.I would be happy for some help with this issue.
this is my code:
import { List } from 'react-native-paper';export const ActionsScreen = () => { const [roleList, setRoleList] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { (async () => { try { // State table const emcStateList: EmergencyStateType[] = await EmergencyStateTable.getEmergencyStateList(); console.log('emcStateList:', emcStateList.length); let items = []; emcStateList.forEach(function (item, i) { items.push({ label: item.EmergencyName, value: item.EmergencyCode, key: i }); }) setStateList(items); // Role table const emcRoleList: EmergencyRoleType[] = await EmergencyRoleTable.getEmergencyRoleList(); console.log('emcRoleList:', emcRoleList.length); items = []; emcRoleList.forEach(function (item, i) { items.push({ label: item.RoleName, value: item.RoleCode, key: i }); }) setRoleList(items); // } catch (error) { console.log('A problem getting emergency list from db:', error); } })(); }, []); const EmergencyRolePicker = () => { return (<List.Accordion title={roleList[0].label} id="0"><List.Item title={roleList[1].label} /><List.Item title={roleList[2].label} /> </List.Accordion> ) } return (<><SafeAreaView style={styles.container}><ScrollView style={styles.scrollView}><View style={styles.text}><Text style={styles.label}>{MenuStrings.EmergencyRole}</Text><View style={styles.pickerView}><EmergencyRolePicker /></View></View></ScrollView></SafeAreaView><View style={styles.BottomViewArea}><TouchableOpacity style={{ alignSelf: 'flex-start', marginLeft: 60 }} onPress={() => { }}><Ionicons name="send-sharp" size={30} color="white" /></TouchableOpacity></View></> );}
this is the data:
[ {"key":0,"label":"red","value":1 }, {"key":1,"label":"green","value":2 }, {"key":2,"label":"yellow","value":3 }]