I'm trying to understand react navigation docs to type check nesting navigators.This is how my structure looks like.
- BottomTabs: - HomeStack: - Home - Details - ProfileStack - Profile - Settings
My bottomTab has this type:
type BottomTabNavigatorParamsList = { homeStack: HomeStackParamsList; profileStack: ProfileStackParamsList;};
Each screen of each stack has it's own type too.
I want to navigate from DetailsScreen
to SettingsScreen
(from HomeStack to ProfileStack).
I've tried to navigate using the CompositeNavigationProp
in the DetailsScreen
const navigation = useNavigation< CompositeNavigationProp< StackNavigationProp<HomeStackParamsList, "Details">, StackNavigationProp<ProfileStackParamsList>>>();
but, if the ProfileStack is not rendered, then I get an exception:
The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload {"name":"Settings"} was nothandled by any navigator.
Do you have a screen named 'Settings'?
If I switch to the Profile tab, before navigating, then go back to the DetailsScreen
and tap to navigate, then it will work.
Also, using just:
const navigation = useNavigation();navigation.navigate("Settings");
will also work, but I get a typescript error check (since I'm not setting useNavigation).
So, basically I want to know how to type check this kind of nesting navigators, I feel like React Navigation docs is not clear at all.
Ref.: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/typescript#nesting-navigators
Does anyone know how to do it?
If I set the type of the profileStack to NavigatorScreenParams<ProfileStackParamsList>
I get rid off the typescript error check. The problem I have now is that Profile tab does not get rendered, so when I navigate, I don't have the goback available to navigate to the initial screen (ProfileScreen
in this case)