I want to create a scrollview (in react-native app) whose individual children take the remaining space on the screen.
The goal is that, as user scrolls, he should only be shown one profile at a time instead of multiple profiles.
This is how my Scroll view code looks
const ProfileVerticalScroll = ({ active = 0, setActive, profileData, scrollViewRef }: Props) => { return (<ScrollView style={styles.scrollView} ref={scrollViewRef}> {profileData.map((el, index) => { return (<View style={styles.profile}><View style={styles.profileHeadings}><Text>{el.name} </Text><Text>{el.profession}</Text></View><View style={styles.abouteMe}> <Text> About Me</Text><Text>{el.info}</Text></View></View> ) })}</ScrollView> )}export default ProfileVerticalScroll
Where styles, for now, are just these
import { StyleSheet, Dimensions } from "react-native";const {width} = Dimensions.get('window')export default StyleSheet.create({ scrollView: { }, profile: { flex: 1, display: "flex", flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', width: width, paddingHorizontal: width*0.05, }, profileHeadings: { }, abouteMe: { }})
Problem: I am unable to get single children of a scrollview to take up the entire screen
For example, In the below screenshot, I would want Alan to take the complete screen and further scrolling should take the user to Amanda and so on