This is mostly a typescript question but it would help to have some knowledge of the @react-navigation/stack
Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve.
Basically, I would like to extract the function parameters of the navigate
function from StackScreenProps
and use them in a route param while maintaining type safety.
/** * this is the type that I need help with**/ type Redirect<ParamList extends ParamListBase> = Parameters<StackScreenProps<ParamList>['navigation']['navigate']>type RootStackParams = { Login: { redirect: Redirect<RootStackParams> } Post: { postId: string }}const Stack = createStackNavigator<RootStackParams>()const RootStack: FC = () => (<Stack.Navigator><Stack.Screen component={Login} name='Login' /><Stack.Screen component={Post} name='Post' /></Stack.Navigator>)type LoginScreenProps = StackScreenProps<RootStackParams, 'Login'>const LoginScreen: FC<LoginScreenProps> = (props) => { const { navigation, route } = props const { redirect } = route.params const afterLogin = useCallback(() => { /** * here is where the issue is happening, the type for the `redirect` param does * not satisfy the requirements for the `navigation.navigate` method */ navigation.navigate(...redirect) }, [redirect])}type PostScreenProps = StackScreenProps<RootStackParams, 'Post'>const PostScreen: FC<PostScreenProps> = ({ navigation, route }) => { const { postId } = route.params if (!auth.isNotLoggedIn) { navigtation.navigate('Login', /** * also need the type to work here **/ { redirect: ['Post', { postId }] }) }}