Parse values greater than 255 in Base64 library
I want to see distance data with timer with more than 255 value from microcontroller with react native ble plx. Should I edit the base64 library or my code? I tried some options but it didn't work. I...
View ArticleTypescript question relating to React Native / Stack Navigator
This is mostly a typescript question but it would help to have some knowledge of the @react-navigation/stack package.Below is an example of what I am trying to achieve.Basically, I would like to...
View ArticleReact Native state changes without me doing anything
I have this page where I give the details of a reservation and I need to allow users to change the date.I created 2 properties in the state and loaded them with the same exact object gathered from the...
View ArticleMultiple SVG icons as one component?
I can currently code SVGs in React-Native (typescript). This allows me to call them as individual react native components. Here's a made up example of what I can currently do:<View><BackArrow...
View ArticleDo React Native proxys work differently to vanila react proxys?
I'm trying to fetch data from a API running locally on port 5000 my device. From working on React web apps I'm used to setting the proxy in package.json like this:"proxy": "https://localhost:5000"Now I...
View ArticleAutomatic height of elkements in React-Native Flatlist
I'd like to create a FlatList, that has hundreds of elements. They all contain a View element with a picture, and under that some text in it. It's quite allright, when the texts are short. But it...
View ArticleHow to return json file with relative/absolute path in React Native
I am using React Native and I am trying to mock an Axios request by returning the contents of a JSON file to my API call for testing purposes. However, I am not able to executeaxios.get('text.json') as...
View ArticleERROR:Displaying values greater than 255 in react native ble
I want to see distance data with timer with more than 255 value from microcontroller with react native ble plx. Should I edit the base64 library or my code? I tried some options but it didn't work. I...
View ArticleHow to use Metro's config to not look for extension when resolving a file?
I'm trying to modify my metro.config.js file so that it will not ignore an npm package's main module.This is the error message I receive at runtime:error: Error: While trying to resolve module...
View ArticleTypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating...
I am trying to run this opensource project. The issue is whenever I try and use the calendar selector, it throws the following error:TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating...
View ArticleUnable to Play Video Links in React
I am trying to play video links in react, at the moment only youtube player plays. How can I add wistia, vimeo, and loom? I have tried using the VLC player but it throws an error regarding the...
View Articleexpo bare workflow generates the apk or app bundle but when installing the...
I can generate the apk or app bundle with expo everything normal, the problem is that when I install it on my cell, it crashes or returns to the previous screen, this is happening with other apps I've...
View ArticleReact-Native Warning: Overwriting font Family style attribute preprocessor
I'm getting the following warning:"Overwriting font Family style attribute preprocessor" coming out from StyleSheet.js when running the app on iOS simulator. I haven't tested on Android yet...
View ArticleTypeScript is not throwing errors when invalid value passed to the Props
const enum ColumnValues { one = 1, two = 2, three = 3,}interface Props { style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; title?: string; titleContainerStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; titleStyle?:...
View ArticleTypescript: React Native useRef giving error "Object is possibly null"
I'm using a ref on a View. Typescript is giving me an error "Object is possibly 'null'". What is the correct typing for a ref used on a View? Specifically I'm using an Animated.View but I don't think...
View Articleis unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component,...
Seems like I may have configured something incorrectly here where react-native components are getting labeled as non-native components because of casing, but it's clear that the components have...
View ArticleContext returning a null value while useEffect returns object with properties
Below is a component that should use as a partition key from react context, however, when I create a new task it returned an error stating that user/ is undefined.Please look at the code...
View Articlewhy this type of error we face all the time please if you have a solution so...
enter image description hereyes sir please find me this error why this error disturbed meand andy thing we apply this error but we do not solve this error any one can find my error so please help me...
View ArticleHow to solve this JSX error in react native?
Getting the below error on a new TS file containing JSX for React native:Unexpected token, expected ","Below is the code for the component I'm making. The error appears toclass TabLabel extends...
View ArticleFlatlist gets disoriented/shrank after an item is removed
Flatlist - BeforeFlatlist - AfterMy flatlist component gets disoriented and shrunk after removing an item via Swipeable layout. For a better comprehension on my issue, please refer to the following...
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