Getting the below error on a new TS file containing JSX for React native:
Unexpected token, expected ","
Below is the code for the component I'm making. The error appears to
class TabLabel extends React.PureComponent<IReactionsLabelProps> { constructor(props: IReactionsLabelProps) { super(props); } render = () => { const { name, baseUrl, getCustomEmoji, reactions, page, theme } = this.props; return (<View style={ sharedStyles.tabView }><Emoji content={name} standardEmojiStyle={sharedStyles.reactionEmoji} customEmojiStyle={sharedStyles.reactionCustomEmoji} baseUrl={baseUrl} getCustomEmoji={getCustomEmoji} /><Text style={{ ...sharedStyles.textBold, color: themes[theme].bodyText }}> { reactions[page]?.usernames?.length }</Text></View> ); }}
The linter provides a different error near the "style" prop in the first line of the JSX:Parsing error: '>' expected
I am completely stuck and have no idea what's going wrong.Full file is available at