I'm using React Native Web in combination with Typescript and I would like to use the React Native Web Pressablecomponent from the lib.
However, I faced a problem when the VSCode blames the React Native Web prop types like: onHoverIn. The main issue in this situation is that the React Native prop types definition doesn't contain the enhanced props from RNWeb
Could someone, please, give to me a tip on how it could be solved in the right way?
I wouldn't like to disable TS checking in every file where I'd like to use Pressable
Here is the Error message:
type '{ children: Element; accessibilityRole: "button"; delayLongPress: number; disabled: false; onHoverIn: () => void; onHoverOut: () => void; onKeyDown: () => void; onLongPress: () => void; onPress: () => void; onPressIn: () => void; onPressOut: () => void; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & PressableProps & RefAttributes<View>'. Property 'onHoverIn' does not exist on type'IntrinsicAttributes & PressableProps & RefAttributes<View>'.ts(2322)
The code example:
import React from 'react';import { Text, Button, ScrollView, StyleSheet, View, Pressable } from 'react-native';....<Pressable accessibilityRole="button" delayLongPress={750} disabled={false} onHoverIn={() => { console.log('onHoverIn'); }} onHoverOut={() => { console.log('onHoverOut'); }} onKeyDown={() => { console.log('onKeyDown'); }} onLongPress={() => { console.log('onLongPress - 750ms delay'); }} onPress={() => { console.log('onPress'); }} onPressIn={() => { console.log('onPressIn'); }} onPressOut={() => { console.log('onPressOut'); }}><Text>Pressable</Text></Pressable>
Thanks for any help!