I've built an app in Reac Native, but in the registration from I have a problem in iOS.enter image description here
The options are aout of the selector, I don't know wich is the problem.This is my code:
import i18n from "i18n-js";import {FontAwesome5} from "@expo/vector-icons";import React, {useReducer, useEffect, useRef} from "react";import { View, Text, ActivityIndicator, TouchableHighlight, StyleSheet, ScrollView,} from "react-native";import {Form, FormComponent} from "../components/form";import type {FormData} from "../components/form/types";import UserModel from "../models/UserModel";const reducer = (state, action) => { switch (action.type) { case "LOADING": return {...state, loading: true, ready: false}; case "FAILED": return {...state, failed: true, loading: false}; case "SUCCESS": return {...state, failed: false, success: true, loading: false}; case "READY": return {...state, success: false, failed: false, ready: true}; }};const initState = { loading: false, failed: false, success: false, ready: true,};export default function RegisterScreen(props) { const {navigation} = props; const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initState); const formRef = useRef( new Form([ { name: "name", label: i18n.t("Username"), required: true, group: 1, type: "txt", validatation: (value, setError) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape if (!value.match(/^(?=.{3,20}$)[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/gm)) { setError( `${i18n.t("Username needs to be between 3 to 20 characters long", )}.${i18n.t(" and can only contains: alphabits, digits, _ and -", )}`, ); return false; } return true; }, }, { name: "mail", label: i18n.t("Email"), required: true, group: 1, type: "txt", validatation: (value, errorMessage) => { if ( // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape value.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9._\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.]+$/) ) { return true; } errorMessage(i18n.t("Invalid Email Address")); return false; }, }, { name: "pass", label: i18n.t("Password"), required: true, group: 1, type: "txt", isSecurityText: true, validatation: (value, errorMessage) => { if (!value.match(/^.{6,}$/)) { errorMessage(i18n.t("Password should be atleast 6 characters")); return false; } return true; }, }, { name: "field_nombre", label: i18n.t("First Name"), group: 2, required: true, type: "txt", }, { name: "field_apellidos", label: i18n.t("Surname"), group: 2, required: true, type: "txt", }, { name: "field_perfil_de_usuario", label: i18n.t("User Profile"), group: 3, type: "select", required: true, items: [ {label: i18n.t("Resident"), value: "residente"}, {label: i18n.t("Tourist"), value: "turista"}, ], value: "residente", }, { name: "field_rango_de_edades", label: i18n.t("Age Range"), group: 3, type: "select", required: true, items: [ {label: "0-20", value: "edad1"}, {label: "21-30", value: "edad2"}, {label: "31-40", value: "edad3"}, {label: "41-50", value: "edad4"}, {label: "51-60", value: "edad5"}, {label: "61-70", value: "edad6"}, {label: "71-80", value: "edad7"}, {label: "81+", value: "edad8"}, ], value: "edad1", }, { name: "field_tipo_de_usuario", label: i18n.t("User Type"), group: 3, type: "select", required: true, items: [ {label: i18n.t("Friends"), value: "amigos"}, {label: i18n.t("Family"), value: "familia"}, {label: i18n.t("Individual"), value: "individual"}, {label: i18n.t("Partner"), value: "pareja"}, ], value: "amigos", }, { name: "field_tipo_de_viaje", label: i18n.t("Trip Type"), group: 3, type: "select", required: true, items: [ {label: i18n.t("Culture"), value: "cultura"}, {label: i18n.t("Gastronomic"), value: "gastronomico"}, {label: i18n.t("Business"), value: "negocios"}, ], value: "cultura", }, ]), ); useEffect(() => { navigation.setOptions({ headerShown: true, headerTitle: i18n.t("Register"), headerStyle: { backgroundColor: "#fff", elevation: 0, shadowOpacity: 0, borderBottomWidth: 0, paddingHorizontal: 10, }, headerTitleAlign: "center", headerTintColor: "#1a1a1a", headerTitleStyle: {fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: 17}, headerLeft: function headerLeft() { return (<TouchableHighlight style={{padding: 10, borderRadius: 3}} underlayColor="#e7e7e7" onPress={() => props.navigation.openDrawer()}><FontAwesome5 name="align-left" size={17} color="black" /></TouchableHighlight> ); }, }); }, []); async function handleSubmit(data: FormData) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); dispatch({type: "LOADING"}); const result = await UserModel.register(data); if (result) { dispatch({type: "SUCCESS"}); alert(i18n.t("Thank You!, Your account has been successfully created")); navigation.navigate("Login"); } else { dispatch({type: "FAILED"}); } } return (<ScrollView showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}><View style={styles.container}> {state.ready && (<FormComponent formInputs={formRef.current.getForm()} title={i18n.t("Register New User")} submitText={i18n.t("register")} onSubmit={handleSubmit} loading={state.loading} requiredMessage={i18n.t("Field is Required")} /> )} {state.loading && (<View style={{justifyContent: "center"}}><ActivityIndicator color="blue" size="large" /><Text style={{ marginVertical: 10, fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "600", color: "#ccc", textAlign: "center", fontFamily: "Montserrat_400Regular", }}> {`${i18n.t("Creating Account, Please Wait")}...`}</Text></View> )} {state.success && (<View style={{justifyContent: "center"}}><Text style={{ marginVertical: 10, fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "600", color: "#ccc", textAlign: "center", fontFamily: "Montserrat_400Regular", }}> {i18n.t("Account Created Successfully!")}</Text></View> )} {state.failed && (<View style={{justifyContent: "center"}}><Text style={{ marginVertical: 10, fontSize: 20, fontWeight: "600", color: "#ccc", textAlign: "center", fontFamily: "Montserrat_400Regular", }}> {i18n.t("Account Creation Failed, Please try again later")}</Text></View> )}</View></ScrollView> );}const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { paddingHorizontal: "5%", backgroundColor: "#fbfbfb", flexGrow: 1, },});
In android the registration form looks good, but in iOS the items are out of their boxes...I don't know where is the problem, I hope someone could help me.