I have been banging my head against this for hours and can't resolve it or make sense of the actual issue.
I have a Home screen where I'm trying to set the headerLeft
and headerRight
navigation.setOptions({ headerLeft: (props: HeaderBackButtonProps): React.ReactElement => (<View style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "row" }}><Avatar size={38} rounded source={{ uri: "https://uifaces.co/our-content/donated/6MWH9Xi_.jpg" }} /><Text style={{ fontSize: 26, color: "#fff" }}>Hi, fuzzy-kitten</Text></View> ), headerRight: (props: HeaderButtonProps): React.ReactNode => (<Icon name="notifications-none" size={34} color="white" /> )})
I'm trying to access and assign these to the react-native-elements
Header component like so
import { NativeStackHeaderProps } from "@react-navigation/native-stack"import React from "react"import { Header as HeaderRNE } from "react-native-elements"import Icon from "react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons"const Header = (props: NativeStackHeaderProps) => { return (<HeaderRNE containerStyle={{ borderBottomWidth: 0 }} backgroundColor="#7DBAB8" leftContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 2 }} leftComponent={props.options.headerLeft} centerContainerStyle={{ flexShrink: 1, flexGrow: 0 }} rightContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 0, flexBasis: 34 }} rightComponent={<Icon name="notifications-none" size={34} color="white" /> } /> )}export default Header
But when I try that I get this huge weird typescript error
It seems that the type the leftComponent
is expecting in the Header is not compatible with what the headerLeft
screen option is returning? How can I resolve this, it technically works but having the typescript error making that whole file have an error is hard to develop with.