TS generic List how can I say now what Items can be?
I have a list component, it works. But my question is, how can I say now which item should have items ?Likeinterface items { name: string; text: string; done: boolean;}Code:function UL<T>({...
View ArticleTypeError: Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. On React Native
I am getting an error because of this line const [guesses, setGuesses] = React.useState < IGuess > defaultGuess;On Vscode it shows Operator '>' cannot be applied to types 'boolean' and...
View ArticleSending data from app to user email react native
I have shopping app with ability to make order, but also i want to send details/check to email, that was specified in registration page. Information may be like a screen of cart or simple text...
View ArticlePass props to component wrapper
I have a higher order component that switches between two children (component that renders data and loading component):,the issue is how to pass the loading state that happens in the data component to...
View ArticleHow to dynamically access type of an object value at a certain key?
Given I allow the user to supply an object of type,type EnvironmentVars = { [keys: string]: any;}How can I dynamically access the type of the value at a certain key when I don't know what the object...
View ArticlenavigationOptions do not exist on type - react-navigation v6 with Typescript
I'm currently trying to integrate Typescript with React Native and I'm having issues using the react-navigation v6.I've read plenty of resources around this but it's all related to older version of...
View ArticleUsing Functional React Native Components && Typescript with navigation and...
I am learning React Native and attempting to use Typescript in my project to keep it clean for me.I'm stuck on basic navigation.I defined a parent screen using a functional component like...
View Articlejs fetch with TS, is not assignable
Why I get this warning in TS ?Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'PokemonList'.ts(2322)This error is on line: "return e"Code:export interface PokemonList { count: number; next: string; previous?:...
View ArticleReact Native FlatList, Styled Components and Typescript
I have a historic ongoing battle with styled-components , FlatList and typescript ...Up until now I've been able to make it work with the following :const StyledList = styled(FlatList as new () =>...
View ArticleJest Node modules are not being mocked as stated by the Jest documented
I want to mock a simple component library react-native-indicators with Jest. As the Jest documentation states:Mocking Node modulesIf the module you are mocking is a Node module (e.g.: lodash), the mock...
View ArticleReact Native: Base64 Image Array String not rendering in FlatList
I need to render a FlatList with Image Items in my RN App, but it looks like, I missed something out.I'm fetching blob data and parse it with Buffer to a String from my API and push it to my Array. I...
View Articleadd Object to useState() and show data in react native
I have the following function:const [dataLoc, setDataLoc] = useState({date: "No data received yet from sensor", coords: {}});I set the location here:Geolocation.getCurrentPosition( location => {...
View ArticleComponent cannot be used as a JSX component. Property '$props' is missing in...
I'm getting this typescript error from basically every component in VSCode, both custom and library components. This is an expo build for react native. This command yields the same results:yarn tsc...
View ArticleSet focus on next TextInput when user used Autofill
Is there a way in React Native to shift focus if the user used Autofill for a TextInput?For example I have two TextInputs, one for firstname and one for lastname. If the user press "John" from the...
View ArticleReact navigation and react native elements header types are incompatible?
I have been banging my head against this for hours and can't resolve it or make sense of the actual issue.I have a Home screen where I'm trying to set the headerLeft and headerRight...
View ArticleMetro Builder: SyntaxError: Unexpected token = after upgrading to React...
Today I updated to React Native Version 0.65.1.After that I was unable to Start the Metro ServerI am now receiving following error message while building a Release .apk:...
View Articlereact-hook-form Controller component does not acknowledge...
apologies as I'm still fairly new to React Native. I encountered this issue upon replacing some poorly styled dropdown picker with a 3rd party library (react-native-dropdown-picker). I was able to...
View ArticleComponent is not showing in React TypeScript
I built a page that requests a component that contains some props, however, this component is not showing up.Here is my page code:import { useEffect, useState } from "react"import { EventCard } from...
View ArticleSuggestions on react-native-track-player skip track functionality
I have a array of songs and I am mapping it on a FlatList and onPress I am getting the song.id and using that to find specific song in the array and passing it into the TrackPlayer.add()const songs=...
View ArticleHow to combine video and audio in React Native?
Elaborating Question:Instagram has this feature in which you can record your video through camera or select video from storage and add different song/audio to that video. You can post the same on to...
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