I just cloned a TypeScript React-Native project at work and it is riddled with a variety of errors on my machine for some reason, the contractor who made the app isn't sure why. Here's a few examples of the errors.
import BackButton from "../assets/images/backbutton.png"; - Cannot find module or its corresponding type declarations. ts(2307)const Title = ({ children }) => - Binding element 'children' implicitly has an 'any' type. ts(7031)
Here's my tsconfig.json:
{"compilerOptions": {"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,"jsx": "react-native","lib": ["dom","esnext" ],"moduleResolution": "node","noEmit": true,"skipLibCheck": true,"resolveJsonModule": true,"strict": true },"extends": "expo/tsconfig.base" - File 'expo/tsconfig.base' not found.enter code here}
As you can see it seems like it some sort of configuration problem in regards to typescript.Any suggestions are appreciated.