I've got a some data being fetched using RTK Query. I load this data (array of objects) in a screen and then slice some portion of it.
It's more of a typescript question but I'll post the apiSlice:
interface Post { userId: number; id: number; title: string; body: string;}export const blogpostsApi = createApi({ reducerPath: 'blogpostsApi', baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3500' }), endpoints: builder => ({ getBlogPosts: builder.query<Post[], void>({ query: () => '/todos', transformResponse: (res: Post[], meta) => res.sort((a, b) => b.id - a.id), }), }),});
The relevant excerpts from the screen:
const { data, isLoading } = useGetBlogPostsQuery();const latestData = data?.slice(0, 10);useEffect(() => { if (!isLoading && latestData.length > 0 && some_other_condition) { ... some code }}, [latestData]);useEffect(() => { if (!isLoading && latestData[0].id === 'something'&& some_other_condition) { ... some code }}, [latestData]);
As you can see, I've added the optional chaining operator to data?.slice...
(as this is a recommended solution for that on SO, from what I have seen. But then typescript also underlines all the instances of latestData.length
and latestData[0].id
Now I know I could silence the typescript error by adding the optional chaining operator to all those instances as well but I'm wondering it that's really the best way of doing it for 2 reasons:
- Adding it to all the instances will unnecessarily increase the compiled code length
- The way I use
above in the two effects is in conditional statements to check if it exists/is defined so it is perfectly OK for it to be undefined.
So I guess my question is what would be the correct way to solve this error. Isn't adding the optional chaining operator just a quick and dirty hack to silence the error especially if it appears in conditional statements? I know I could also suppress the error by asking Webstorm to ignore it (as per the error screenshot below)
The error: