Here's my Interface which I'm using with mapStateToProps
export interface IStore { cache?: any; dataManager?: IUR; userPrefs: IUP; IModal?: IfingerprintModal;}export interface IModal { cbCancel: IFModalFn | null; cbTryAgain?: IFModalFn | null; error: null | string; success: boolean; visible: boolean;}
Here's the mapStateToProps
fn expression:
const mapStateToProps = (state: IStore) => ({ store: { IModal: state.userPrefs.IModal, },});
And here's the connect
export default connect<IStore,{}>(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(IModal);
I can get rid of the problem by:
export default connect<IStore>(mapStateToProps as any, mapDispatchToProps)(IModal);
But I am trying to find a generic solution to that