ESLint issue when using babel module-resolver and typescript
TS is not inferring the type when using resolved imports, but it does when using relative imports. Any help would be appreciated.useTheme has"Unsafe call of an 'any' typed value."This error does not...
View ArticleReact Native blob/file is not getting to the server
I am extremely stuck here. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to send a file from the an expo-image-picker component to the server. The form is sent, but the image is not. The fetch command...
View ArticlePush parent arrays element and chidren array into new array in javascript
"items": {"hotdrinks": [ {"id": "9aa113b4-1e4e-4cde-bf9d-8358fc78ea4f","price": 20,"name": "Tea","img": "../assets/img/HotDrinks/1_udupibhavan.jpg" }, {"id":...
View ArticleProperty 'X' is missing in type 'DefaultRootState' - but the property is...
Here's my Interface which I'm using with mapStateToProps:export interface IStore { cache?: any; dataManager?: IUR; userPrefs: IUP; IModal?: IfingerprintModal;}export interface IModal { cbCancel:...
View ArticleHow to open device's calendar app to add an event from React Native application?
I make fetching data from API, whose results look like thisObject {"name": "HackForGood: Grab Hackathon 2022","site": "HackerEarth","start_time": "2022-05-29T18:30:00.000Z","url":...
View Articlewith expo after Web Bundling complete , showing blank page
i followed a tutorial for adding web support using to a expo project **. using typescript, react-native-web and webpack. looks like it works for everyone. but for me, i get a blank web page after Web...
View ArticleHow to handle multiple environments in React Native CLI (specific case)
I want to handle different environments by letting the developers select which one they want to.So basically lets say we have a login screen and a "Settings" touchable there. When the user press it, or...
View ArticleJest test assertion, expect a nested object
When I do the below expect in jest with native testexpect(mockOnChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ order_type: expect.arrayContaining(['1']), number: '', ouser_ids: expect.arrayContaining(['user_id1']),...
View ArticleHow to handle state that can assume many variation depending on the backend...
In my app I have a recurring scenario in which the app shows a feedback screen to the user after some backend command is executed to provide info for the user on the outcome of that request. My...
View ArticleMocking react-native-keychain, undefined is not a function
I'm trying to write a test for my helper Functions which uses the react-native-keychain library.I accordingly to the documentation mocked the library.I added a directory react-native-keychain to the...
View ArticleReact native , incrementation
I have a variable pass and I did a {pass++} inside of one of my return. Howether , while it increment the pass, it also show the pass on my page. How to make it so that it is not on my page?Here is my...
View ArticleDynamic link by using react native firebase/app in the with specific userid
I tried to implement user referral and earn system using dynamic link in my react native app but want add some code in link example userid or some unique code in link when I refer to user so that I can...
View ArticleHow to use useEffect inside a View in React Native
I want to use an useEffect inside a return (inside a Text that is inside multiple View to be exact) and from what I know, I must use {...} in order to say that what I write is some code. Howether I got...
View ArticleReact Native, issue with setting the state (setState)
I have an issue with my code : when I try to convert a variable to a state, my variable state pass2 that was incremented became a number 3 for all my implementations while my former variable was...
View ArticleReact Native, creating a if inside a return
I want to create an if inside my Flatlist return so that each time a new Flatlist is called, my 'pass' will go back to 0Here is my code:<FlatList data={letter.description} numColumns={2}...
View ArticleHow to scroll to a specific element that can be modified? (React Native)
I created a glossary and want to have access to the content of a specific letter if I click on the letter (I have a list of letter at the top of my page).But here is the issue: while I've found how to...
View ArticleReact Native - You attempted to set the key with the value on an object that...
If I attempt to set a previously defined memoized value to a list of values of length one, no error throws. If I set it to a list of length > 2 I get the following errorError: You attempted to set...
View ArticleLoad script funtion inside expo web
I am trying to load a script for true conversion, something like the following (I changed it a bit just to show as an example):<script type="text/javascript"> var _tip = _tip || [];...
View Article'Stack.Navigator' cannot be used as a JSX component
There is a type issue using react navigation, when use Stack.Navigation or Stack.Group from createNativeStackNavigatorThe issue saids that the types dont match with JSX.element at the end of the...
View Articlereact-native-dotenv Unable to resolve module @env
I'm setting up this lib for TypeScript like heremy env:API_KEY=someKey..i'm setting up type/env.d.ts:declare module '@env' { export const API_KEY: string;}my babel.config.ts: module.exports = function...
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