I created a glossary and want to have access to the content of a specific letter if I click on the letter (I have a list of letter at the top of my page).But here is the issue: while I've found how to scroll down, I didn't find how to scroll to a specific element.It seems to be quite easy in HTML (Scroll to a specific Element Using html) but I didn't find a solution for React Native.I tried to create a ScrollToElement then use ref to fix it but it does not change if my variable change, it always go to the bottom of the page. Here is the code simplified:
const fieldRef = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); const scrollToElement = () => fieldRef.current?.scrollIntoView();... return (<View><ScrollView><View> {letter.map((letter) => { return (<View><Text onPress={scrollToElement}> {letter.name}</Text></View> ); })}</View><View> {letter.map((letter) => { return(<View><div ref={fieldRef}><Text> {letter.name}</Text></div> ) })}</View></ScrollView></View>)