There is a list of notifications from the backend. Each notification has a delete button. If I click the delete button of any notification, I want that notification to be deleted.
How do I do this?
my service
const remove = (notificationDto) => { return new Observable((observer) => { //<NotificationDto> axiosInstance .delete(SERVICE_PATH +'/remove', notificationDto) .then((response) => {; observer.complete(); }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err); }); });};
<div className="notificationlist__container only-desktop"> { => { return (<div className="notificationlist__time"> {notification.notificationDay}<div className="delete__button"><AS.IconButton onClick={() => notificationDataUpdateDeleteClick(notification)}><AS.DeleteIcon /></AS.IconButton></div></div> ); })}</div>
where i call the service
After sending notification as payload, the problem was solved
import { InAppNotificationsService } from 'services/InAppNotificationsService';import { NotificationContext } from 'contexts/NotificationContext';const { notificationData, setNotificationData } = useContext(NotificationContext);const notificationDataUpdateDeleteClick = (notification) => { InAppNotificationsService.remove({ data: notification }).subscribe({ next: (response) => { InAppNotificationsService.allNotifications({ nationalId: tckn, externalContactNumber: contactInfo?.externalContactNumber }).subscribe({ next: (response) => { setNotificationData(response); }, error: (error) => { console.log(error); } }); }, error: (error) => { console.log(error); } });};