Create button group in React Native using react components
I am looking to see an example of button group something like in the example here.ButtonGroup created using only React Native component like TouchableOpacity and Text etc...
View ArticleHow to make ts-loader import correctly .web and .native files from a single...
In our react app we have shared code between web and mobile (React Native).Before Typescript it was okay to import it like this:import {fetchNotificationsSettingsFromLocalStorage} from...
View ArticleProblem to identify when a WebView Downloads a file
I have been faced a problem in React Native (environment android) to identify when a WebView downloads a file.The current version of WebView is "react-native-webview": "^11.15.0"The WebView component...
View ArticleCreating a custom checkbox using native base checkbox with select all...
I am trying to create a custom checkbox component using Native base checkbox which was pretty straight forward to setup, but I am stuck trying to add a select all checkbox. After some testing with the...
View ArticleTypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '') React-Native
I'm trying to render a series of icons from an array, icons, but when I try to return {, index) =>(<Icon key = {index} icon={icon}/>))}, I get "typeError: undefined is not an...
View ArticleHow to solve the TS type error when trying to get firebase data by using...
I need to get all the players ordered by their points from Firebase(V9) Realtime Database.I tried to fetch them as it is instructed in the docs.But ref(db, 'usersPoints') throws this TypeScript...
View ArticleWhy won't overflow: 'visible' allow image to expand to fullscreen on android...
I am trying to build horizontal slider with images as slides using react-native-snap-carousel. When pressing on an image it should expand to fullscreen and then navigate to another page (i am animating...
View ArticleWhy cant use redux hooks at child component?
I've same error of that ask,i've a Redux provider from a react-native app,i can use Redux hooks (useSelector, useDispatch) from a component but in child of same componenti cant use Redux hooks with...
View ArticleHow can I fill text with Image or gif in react native?
I've tried to replicate this But I can't do like that. I've tried like the below:import React from 'react'import { ImageBackground, StyleSheet, Text, View,...
View ArticlePass function from one screen to another in react native
Im trying to pass a function handleNewFavourite (which updates my favouriteList state array) from my HomeScreen to my DetailsScreen via navigation params but Im getting the following error:...
View ArticleDialog Error react native - children doesn't exist on type...
I've tried using this sample code for an alert dialog in my react native app, but it gives me an error on Dialog (where I've put the ***) sayingTS2322: Type '{ children: Element[]; visible: boolean;...
View ArticleWhy, even after specifying a type parameter for a React component, the linter...
Please consider the following TypeScript (.tsx) code:import React from 'react';import { TextInputProps } from 'react-native';import { Container, TextInput, Icon } from './styles';interface InputProps...
View ArticleHow to delete one request in react axios? [FIXED]
There is a list of notifications from the backend. Each notification has a delete button. If I click the delete button of any notification, I want that notification to be deleted.How do I do this?my...
View ArticleShall I use typescript in react-native before using javascript, I'm first...
I'm new learner of react-native so I don't want to use typescript first. Can someone advise me I should use Javascript first or typescript first.
View ArticleWhat is this format in javascript or typescript?
What is this format in javascript or typescript?I couldn't find any info.export type XXX<> = | true (= |)$ReadOnly (meanings)<{| ... |}>export type AttributeType<T, V> = | true |...
View ArticleFocusing the next input after reaching the max length React Native
I want to be able to move the focus from one input onto the next after the user has entered 2 numbers in the input box. Instead of the user manually clicking the next field I'd like the focus to switch...
View ArticleHow to properly type measureLayout in react-native
I need to set the height of SVG so that it would only take as much space as the form below would allow so that all elements would fit in the viewport. For that I have forwarded ref to the form...
View ArticleOpenAPI | ReactNative: generated model throws "Invalid Date at [native...
I use openApi generator to generate apis and models for my react native frontend. I have never had any issues until today, when after generating some (unrelated) apis one of my models started to throw...
View Articleexpo: Cannot find find FileSystem properties and Asset while trying to import...
I am new to react native.I was trying to use expo-sqlite and following their guide under "Importing an existing database".I have did 'expo install expo-file-system expo-asset`I have create a...
View ArticleUnable to mock API request using miragejs in ReactNative Typescript because...
I am building a mobile application using ReactNative. My app is interacting with an API. I am trying to mock the API requests using Mirage JS when I am building the app locally following this link,...
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