I am trying to use React Query with React Native, according to the docs it should work out of the box
I did everything exactly like in the other project I used React Query and for some reason, it returns undefined all the time this is my function
const fetchedLocations = () => { return useQuery(["fetch-locations"], async () => { return await ( await fetch("https://backend-upark.herokuapp.com/locations") ).json(); }); }; const { data: locationss } = fetchedLocations(); console.log({ locationss });
and this is my provider, outside the App fn I have
const client = new QueryClient();
and then in the component:
<SafeAreaProvider onLayout={onLayoutRootView}><NavigationContainer><ApplicationProvider {...eva} theme={{ ...eva.light, ...theme }}><QueryClientProvider client={client}><ReduxProvider store={store}><Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Home" screenOptions={{ headerLeft: () => <BackButton />, headerRight: () => <MenuDots />, headerTitleStyle: { fontFamily: "ClashGrotesk_Semibold", color: "#E5E8E8", }, headerStyle: { backgroundColor: "#081E20", }, headerShadowVisible: false, }}> ... screens here</Stack.Navigator></ReduxProvider></QueryClientProvider></ApplicationProvider></NavigationContainer></SafeAreaProvider>
what am I doing wrong?Thanks