How to solve syntax error, unexpected token, export type?
I was using version 2.x of react-navigation, now I'm migrating to version 5.x. I have installed all modules according to the documentation, but on running the application, I get this error.It seems...
View ArticleReact Navigation custom route params and typescript
I have an Error screen that needs to know the error number and a description to display the error and I can't figure out how to tell TS which types are my Error screen custom params. I'm calling my...
View ArticleIs there a way I can use Amplify & Graphql to implement user follow feature...
I'm currently working on a social media app and I've been trying to implement user follow feature but I seem to not get the logic. I've checked online and all I see is Firebase and I'm really not a fan...
View ArticleProperty 'setNativeProps' does not exist on type 'ForwardRefExoticComponent'
I have the following code: const menuItemRefs = useRef<{ [key: number]: typeof View }>({}); const { isMenuVisible } = useTopMenuContext(); useEffect(() => { const onBackPress = () => { if...
View ArticleReact native firebase not updating the realtime database
Here the snapshot is updated and its not reflected in the database when I check the firebase consoledatabase().ref('users').set('uid');database().ref('users').on('value', snapshot => {...
View ArticleMocking react-native-keychain, undefined is not a function
I'm trying to write a test for my helper functions, which uses the react-native-keychain Library.I accordingly to the documentation mocked the library.I added a directory react-native-keychain to the...
View ArticleReact Native: How can I send events from iOS (Swift) back to JavaScript?
I am working on a project where I want to integrate React-Native into a native Swift app. To make sure both sides are aware of state, I've made a 'message bus', A mechanism through which events can be...
View Articledrop down menu hiding behind content
I have a screen that looks like this:return (<SafeAreaView><View style={styles.container}><View style={styles.topContainer}><View...
View ArticleI'm having problems using DatePicker with react native
I'm having problems using DatePicker with react nativewhen I'm using it, there are an error like this:render error a date or time must be specified as value propmy repository: my github repositoryconst...
View ArticleReact-Router-Native passing image as parameter
Im trying to pass image as my parameter on react-router-native and trying to get the data from the location.state but im having issue.I usually do this to display imageImport Icon from...
View ArticleHow to type GraphQL union responses with TypeScript and Apollo Client?
I'm using Apollo Server and Apollo Client with React Native and TypeScript. I'm trying to do my error handling via GraphQL unions but don't know how to type these. Looking at the example underneath, I...
View Articlejs this expression is not callable problem
why I get this error ? My code working fine and my search functionality also works fine so why I get this error ? The error is on my Categorie.tsx file on ".filter" functionThis expression is not...
View ArticleWhat is the default value for tsconfig "include"?
In my react native project I'm using this library v1 and in the docs it says to add "include": ["node_modules/react-native-redash/lib/typescript/v1/index.d.ts"] to make the types work, and adding that...
View ArticleUsing React how to append to a string every time a checkbox is checked and...
I want to update a text input field every time a checkbox is checked(true). Can someone please advise how can this be done please?.I'm trying to click a checkbox and update another input field. Every...
View ArticleTypeScript React Native Flatlist: How to give renderItem the correct type of...
I'm building a React Native app with TypeScript. renderItem complains that the destructured item implicitly has an any type. I googled and found this question and tried to implement what they teach...
View ArticleTypescript error on SectionList props "is not assignable to type...
I'm using a SectionList with the react-native-modalize lib to display it on a modal. Everything is working, but TypeScript is giving me this error on the 'sectionListProps' prop of the 'Modalize':Type...
View Articleconcat string in array ts
I have a problem to solve, this problem is basically concat one value inside my array but the problem is my array won't accept a value i will concat inside the array below is my code.interface...
View ArticleReact Query useQuery returns undefined with React Native
I am trying to use React Query with React Native, according to the docs it should work out of the box did everything exactly like in the other project I...
View ArticleInvariant Violation: no callback found with cbID for module
I have created yarn package with common components, services, utils, etc. for my project. Then I have created index.ts file in src folder, where I've exported all components. Then I've built the...
View ArticleHow do I add a react landing page to a react app?
I have coded a landing page in react, and in a separate project a react/typescript app. How would I go about setting my website up so that when there's no user auth, the landing page and all its...
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