When creating a ref in a React Native component, Typescript complains about it if you don't provide the right type.
image = React.createRef();state = { x: new Animated.Value(0), y: new Animated.Value(0),};render() { const {x, y} = this.state; const imageStyle = {left: x, top: y}; return (<Animated.View ref={this.image} // I got warning message here {...this.responder} style={[styles.draggable, imageStyle]}> {this.props.children}</Animated.View> )}const styles = StyleSheet.create({ draggable: { position: 'absolute', height: itemWidth, width: itemWidth, }, });
I got this warning
Type '{ children: ReactNode; style: ({ left: Value; top: Value; } | { position: "absolute"; height: number; width: number; })[]; current: unknown; ref: RefObject; }' is not assignable to type'IntrinsicAttributes & AnimatedProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'. Property 'ref' does not exist on type'IntrinsicAttributes & AnimatedProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'
line needs to be something like image = React.createRef<some_type>();
But I don't know how to create this some_type