This code is basically derived from the Expo tabs
default template. To implement TypeScript in it I followed the manual Type Checking with TypeScript on the React Navigation site. But I can't get it quite right.
Here's the code:
import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs';import * as React from 'react';import { RouteProp } from '@react-navigation/native';import { StackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/stack';import TabBarIcon from '../../components/TabBarIcon';import HelpScreen from '../../screens/shared/HelpScreen';import HomeStack from './HomeStackNavigator';const INITIAL_ROUTE_NAME = 'Home';type BottomTabNavigatorParamList = { Home: undefined; Help: undefined;};type BottomTabNavigatorRouteProp = RouteProp<BottomTabNavigatorParamList, 'Home'>;type BottomTabNavigatorNavigationProp = StackNavigationProp<BottomTabNavigatorParamList, 'Home'>;type Props = { route: BottomTabNavigatorRouteProp; navigation: BottomTabNavigatorNavigationProp;};const BottomTab = createBottomTabNavigator<BottomTabNavigatorParamList>();const BottomTabNavigator = ({ navigation, route }: Props): JSX.Element => { navigation.setOptions({ headerTitle: getHeaderTitle(route) }); return (<BottomTab.Navigator initialRouteName={INITIAL_ROUTE_NAME}><BottomTab.Screen name="Home" component={HomeStack} options={{ title: 'Home Screen', tabBarIcon: ({ focused }): JSX.Element => <TabBarIcon focused={focused} name="cpu" />, }} /><BottomTab.Screen name="Help" component={HelpScreen} options={{ title: 'Help', tabBarIcon: ({ focused }): JSX.Element => (<TabBarIcon focused={focused} name="help-circle" /> ), }} /></BottomTab.Navigator> );};function getHeaderTitle(route: BottomTabNavigatorRouteProp): string { const routeName = route.state?.routes[route.state.index]?.name ?? INITIAL_ROUTE_NAME;ERRORS HERE =====> ^^^^^ ^^^^^ <===== ERRORS HERE switch (routeName) { case 'Home': return 'How to get started'; case 'Help': return 'How to use'; default: if (__DEV__) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Should not happen'); } break; } return '';}export default BottomTabNavigator;
I am getting the following error in the function getHeaderTitle
TS2339: Property 'state' does not exist on type 'Pick "Home">, "key" | "name">'