I am trying to type a React-Navigation (v6) navigator which can accept a param. But I'm facing an issue and I cannot figure out what the problem is.
What I want is to be able to call my navigator Wizard
with params and without params. This is my need:
navigation.navigate('Wizard'); navigation.navigate('Wizard', { pageId: 123 }); navigation.navigate('Wizard', { screen: 'WizardOne' });
I have created my types and it looks like this, with the 3 options
export type AppNavigatorParamList = { // ... Wizard: | { pageId: number; } | NavigatorScreenParams<WizardNavigatorParamList> | undefined;}export type WizardNavigatorParamList = { WizardOne: undefined; WizardTwo: undefined;};
And this is how I try to access the param:
const route = useRoute<RouteProp<AppNavigatorParamList, 'Wizard'>>(); const pageId = route.params?.pageId;
But for some reason, TypeScript keeps complaining about my types. It doesn't find the option where I can just pass the pageId
error TS2339: Property 'pageId' does not exist on type 'Readonly<{ screen?: undefined; ...
These 2 work:
navigation.navigate('Wizard'); navigation.navigate('Wizard', { screen: 'WizardOne' });
But not this one:
navigation.navigate('Wizard', { pageId: 123 });
However, if I remove the type NavigatorScreenParams<WizardNavigatorParamList>
then the one with pageId
works fine.
What's going on and how can I resolve this?