When we pass ref prop in the parent component and get the prop in child...
const weightRef = useRef(null);<Parent Component name={"weight"}Ï ref={weightRef} />export interface TextInputProps { name:"string"; ref?: any; //Here what is the type of ref for now i have used...
View Articlereact-native: button not working while FlatList rendering new items
I want to render a list of product with a button to add the product to the basket when the user clicks on the button replaced with a counter to let the user selects the quantity of that...
View Articlereact-i18next on React Native No overload matches this call typescript
Iam trying to configure react-i18next 11.8.2 in my React Native app with typescript 4.1.2:i18n.use(initReactI18next).init({ resources: { en, es, }, lng: 'es', fallbackLng: 'es', interpolation: {...
View ArticleCleaner way to handle Navigation in Typescript in React Native
Anyone here who knows a cleaner way then ´{ navigation }:{navigation: NativeStackNavigationProp}` in Typescript in a React Native cli project? I already tried many different things from stackoverflow...
View ArticleHow can I pass a dynamic string as a key to a style in TS react-native?
I want to pass the number of rows (a react native style) dynamically. I tried using 'keyof' as some here have suggested in a different issue, but it didn't work. The code itself works, I'd just like TS...
View Articlereact native styled components: (tag.text || "").trim is not a function
I just started a simple react-native app and tried to start an styled component container like so: import styled from "styled-components/native";export const Container = styled.View` margin-top:...
View ArticleHow to scan a qr code in React Native cli?
Is there anyone who has a tutorial or code how to read a qr code in React Native cli that actually works in the current React Native version? I tried so many tutorials and docs and nothing works. It...
View ArticleHow to use native Java code in my React Native cli Android app?
I want to add nativ Java code to my React Native cli android app. How can i do this? For example i want to call this enum from a Java file ...package chip.setuppayload;/** Enum values for possible bits...
View ArticleType 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type
I am trying to convert a function from Javascript to Typescript but I keep running into the following error:Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index typeI understand that undefined cannot be used as...
View ArticleReact Native Bottom Navigation Error using TypeScript
I want to add simple bottom navigation tab on my homescreen that can navigate to two screen. But I am getting this errorerror undefinedWhile this is the code in my Homescreen.tsxrender() { const Tab =...
View ArticleJavaScript: Shorthand to toggle a non-boolean value
Is there a better shorthand to toggle foo?type Foo = 'BAR' | 'BAZ';let foo: Foo = 'BAR';const toggleFoo = () => { foo = foo === 'BAR' ? 'BAZ' : foo;};toggleFoo();
View ArticleHow do you type a react-navigation navigator with typescript when it can...
I am trying to type a React-Navigation (v6) navigator which can accept a param. But I'm facing an issue and I cannot figure out what the problem is.What I want is to be able to call my navigator Wizard...
View ArticleIs there a clean way to call an external sdk with Java files in React Native?
I have a React Native cli project for an Android app. I want to use a java sdk (Matter: https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip) to call some functions from there for my Android app. Since this...
View ArticleUnable to generate .aab file in react native. Expo error
i am unable to generate an .aab file for android release. Our Releases are stuck since 2 days. Looked at multiple answers here and there, but nothing worked. Will appreciate any possible solutions.What...
View ArticleHow do i set the primary color for the whole app?
How do i set the color for @react-native-material/core theme?I set it up and was able to change the color but i don't want to do that for every component
View ArticleExpected 0 arguments, but got 1 [closed]
bug useEffecti tried to pass the parameter to the function but still can't
View ArticleHow to repeatedly send request to a same API using react-query?
I want to use react-query to send the request and check a field of the response right after. Once I found the field I need in the response, stop doing more action. Otherwise, keep executing the request...
View ArticleReact Native - Invariant Violation: Module AppRegistry is not a registered...
I have started getting this error Invariant Violation: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication) since yesterday, my application was working and all of sudden it...
View ArticleHow to declare onPress function with optional input parameter in react native...
I am working with react-native using typescript. I want an onPress method with an optional boolean input parameter. And I want to pass it directly to the onPress method without creating a new arrow...
View ArticleHow to set Switch component separately for each item that comes From API in...
I have an API and I need to set the switch button separately for eachitem. I read different answers but didn't solve my problem as I triedall of the answers.const results = [ { Id: "IySO9wUrt8", Name:...
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